Anyone given an EDD based only on size?


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2008
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I have polycystic ovaries, and because of this, I don't have a normal cycle at all. Sometimes, it is 60 days, sometimes it is months. Because of this, I can only take a wild guess of my dates, based on possible conception and my symptoms. I have been told that I will be given a more accurate EDD after my first scan, based on the size and circumference, etc. Has anyone here had a similar situation, and did it turn out to be accurate?
I do know the GP/MW make an EDD on your LMP but after your 12week scan, they make the 'accurate' EDD, and its that date that is always refered to. Sorry I cannot help from experience :hug: :hug: :hug:

You should roughly be able to tell ur own edd by the first day of your last period no matter how long or short.

Or scans they measure the sac and by measuring they can tell how many weeks it is because by each week it grows a certain amount...

i hope this helps? Your midwife should be able to tell you more too

good luck

Thanks, that helps. I guess I am the exception to the LMP rule this time, because I know I'm not five months! :lol:
Basically the scan EDD always replaces the LMP date anyway. The measurements from the scan are what gives you your official EDD and that will go on your maternity notes.

I guess if the measurements were completely way out against what you thought your dates were, they'd look into it in more detail.

I wouldn't worry, loads of women haven't a clue on their dates, it will probably mean you get an early scan anyway!
Thanks! I was a little worried because I trust the OB I spoke to, but everything I read talks only about EDD based on LMP. I was hoping to get an early scan, but I still haven't heard anything, so I think it will be the second trimester by the time I get it. At least I will get to see more if it is later.
Hopefully u get your scan soon and they will be able to give u an EDD then ;)
I hope so! I was just at the GP and I wasn't impressed when he said that because of the holiday I probably won't hear for another two weeks! I think I am already around week 14, grrr.... But I wasn't very impressed with this GP, either, so who knows!
If you're around Week 14 you should come and join us in 2nd Tri :cheer:
True! I don't know whether I am or not, though. I still have first trimester things happening, but the date that makes the most sense to me is 14 weeks ago. Ha... I really need that scan!
i wasnt in exactly the same situation (i dont have pcos) but i was on the pill when i got pregnant so wasnt having "proper" cycles. my last period was 24th august 2006 which made my due date 31st may. but when i had my dating scan at (i thought) 14+5 weeks they put me back to 13+2, giving me a due date of 10th june. the scan due date turned out to be correct as 10th june was the day i gave birth!
i couldnt have edd on last lmp either cos i had surgery ! so till i was scanned i didnt really have a due date just a rough guess. they should book you in asap , dont leave it like me , i thought mw booked it but oh no i was ment too !
i was in exactly the same situation as you hon (have pcos too)

i pressed for an early scan cos i really didn't know how pregnant i was and it was stressing me out. my hospital has a walk in clinic so we got a scan there at what i was told was 7 weeks exactly. and it turned out to be spot on as far as my 13 week scan and 23 week scan were concerned.

good luck

:hug: :hug:
Thanks. How did you know about the walk-in clinic? I don't know anything about what my hospital has and I haven't found out who my midwife is. It's stressing me out, too!
Where we are, you see your GP and tell them you're pregnant, they then refer you to a MW in the same surgery, and you are then called with your 1st MW appointment/booking in appointment.

I would ask your GP. Some MW's work from hospital bases, and so it might be your GP has to refer you to the hospital, there are different practises, but just phone your GP's and ask, receptionists usually know everything anyway, so they should be able to advise, you should have already been 'assigned' a MW for your pre-natal care :hug: :hug: :hug:
I do know that I will be assigned a midwife through my GP, and that I will see them at the surgery. I just don't know when. I think it is also supposed to take another two weeks, judging by what the GP said. I am stressed and worried about how everything is going and I really don't want to wait that much longer! I don't know if the hospital has any kind of walk-in clinic, and I don't have a midwife to ask all of these questions!
i didn't see a midwife til i was about 14 weeks i think... it was after my scan at 13 weeks anyway.

but the nurse at my gp surgery told me about the early pregnancy walk-in clinic.

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