Anyone Fancy A Good Old Symptom Spot With Me?


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2013
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So I'm CD34 (my last cycle was 39 days). I'm not sure if I ovulated or not. Used CBFM and only got highs. I've tried not to symptom spot but simply can't resist! So far I have:

CD31 - lots of watery CM (slightly creamy at times) and felt like I wet myself at one point (tmi, sorry!)

CD32 - the wet feeling again and just before bed u saw a few specks of blood on tissue (barely noticeable)

CD33 - in the morning more specks and a bit of EWCM. More watery CM

CD34 - So far just feeling a bit queasy when eating.

I haven't tested as of yet, trying to hold off. Please do share your symptoms ladies xx
Hi, I'm cd22 and dpo11. I've been getting more cm than normal, sharp stabbing pain that feels like it's in my vagina, itchy nipples, backache and yesterday I was having what felt like mild contractions. Knowing me it doesn't mean anything but I can't help but feel hopeful x
hiya , well i wasnt going to ss but well so far my boobs are soo sore not the nipple inside and on the sides on my boobs , spots i usually get 1 before af but ive got blooming 5 and i think number 6 is appearing great !! heartburn all day yest since eating toast with cheese spread for brekkie then to top all that off looking forward to my tea jacket spud with tuna which i love i had to force it down bcos i felt soo sick and constipated to , so yep ive got the lot lol the only thing ive had that caught me off gaurd and made me wonder tmi alert im not sure what dpo it was but i went for a pee when i wiped there was a blob of funny coloured cm on the tissue it wasnt ov cm it was totally different to that , so yep im now full blow ss lol xx
Sounding good ladies! When are you planning to POAS? If you are, that is xx
im really going to try not to sounds daft but i find it easier af arriving than seeing a bfn having said that i said i wuldnt ss but look whats happend lol , if af hasnt arrived by wed i will do a test then xx
hi ladies can i join
4dpo broke out in spots dont get spots really maybe one b4 af or during
5,6,7dpo old spots cleared new ones broke out and really oily skin
8dpo sore boobs but not nipples just my boobs side and underneath
9dpo today sore boobs still and a bit of heart burn this morning

due af form sun -wed not sure as i was late last month but ov at the right time this month so gonna try and wait till wed if no af
I've been strange this month as i've had loads of PMS symptoms from ovulation which is way early...had horrendous sore and swollen boobs since i got my smiley and bad spots on my neck (where I had them when pregnant with my daughter) but the last day or so spots are clearing and my boobs are less sore by the day (i seem to remember this happened with my daughter too). I'm 9dpo now, a bit niggly around ovaries but nothing really to report to be honest, had a few low cramps yesterday but again this is totally normal for me....its one of those months i want it more than normal so bound to be BFN! xx
My af is due sat/sun so if she doesn't show I'll be testing next week. Unless I cave and poas Friday before dh comes home lol x
All sounds exciting ladies :) fx x x
Hi guys, nausea was a big give away for my first pregnancy but it did not become morning sickness until after the missed period. It's always hard to tell so early on especially when your trying to conceive as you don't know what is just wishful thinking.

I'm on day 22 of my cycles and feel nauseous on and off throughout the day, my cycles are irregular (32-42 days) so I have a long wait until I can take a pregnancy test.

In the meanwhile we should all enjoy the fun we r having trying o conceive x
Bit of nausea this morning but nothing else. Tested yesterday eve & BFN...oh well! How's the rest of you doing? xx
12dpo, physically nothing to report - emotionally I feel like I'm out.
I started getting af cramps today so think I'm out
I have my fx for both of you! No cramps as of yet her but that means nothing in my cycle!
Ooh can I join in? I'm only on cd16 but I think I ovulated early this month, about day 10/11 so starting to symptom spot,despite telling myself I wouldn't. So far:
Pain / tight feeling in my stomach
Funny taste in my mouth and lots of saliva, particularly in the morning
Think my nipples are bigger
Sneezing loads in the morning!
I'll join because I'm going crazy this month haha! 9dpo today. I've had cramps since 6dpo, started with sore nipples around 6dpo too and now I have sore nipples and tender boobs. Stupidly tested this morning and I could see a faint line, oh could see it too but after 45mins when I looked there was a very strong Evap line so maybe it was just the start of an evap. Currently holding another wee even tho I only went 2 hours ago I am bursting to go! Only had a sip of water today too! Trying my best to not get my hopes up but I'm failing miserably haha xx
Good luck ladies fx for u all im out started spotting this morning af arriving 4 days early xxx
Forgot to mention I've had creamy cm since ov which is now watery. Had to keep checking for af yesterday as I had cramps too. I'm on second round of clomid. Only had sore boobs last cycle so who knows! Keep telling myself its the clomid! Xx

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