Now dont get me wrong i love my little girl to bits but dear god in the last week she had turned into a right little madam
She is bored of all her toys and wants constant attention, even in her jumparoo which she loves i now have to be there with her playing with her while she is in it
As soon as i leave her she screams , then i come back to her and its all happy, sometimes she will keep screaming and i show her somehing new for a minute and not a problem all smiles again tilll thats old news its a constant battle to keep her amused
She also hates sittling in anything and lying down , as soo as i put her on the mat she puts her arms up and if i hold them she pulls her self up to sit and then up to a standing position and seems happy to just stand ( with me supporting her ) all day long just looikng around but my arms do be hanging off me lol
anyone else having this problem? she will be 17 weeks on sunday
What can I do to keep her entertained ? I know she is learning that crying gets what she wants but she goes soo hysterical i cant let her cry it out,
She is bored of all her toys and wants constant attention, even in her jumparoo which she loves i now have to be there with her playing with her while she is in it
As soon as i leave her she screams , then i come back to her and its all happy, sometimes she will keep screaming and i show her somehing new for a minute and not a problem all smiles again tilll thats old news its a constant battle to keep her amused
She also hates sittling in anything and lying down , as soo as i put her on the mat she puts her arms up and if i hold them she pulls her self up to sit and then up to a standing position and seems happy to just stand ( with me supporting her ) all day long just looikng around but my arms do be hanging off me lol
anyone else having this problem? she will be 17 weeks on sunday
What can I do to keep her entertained ? I know she is learning that crying gets what she wants but she goes soo hysterical i cant let her cry it out,