Anyone else with a dinky one?


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2011
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Bee is 1 now and still not even 17lbs. She's 2nd centile and still fits into some of her 6-9m clothes.
She was 25th centile at birth, she has gradually dropped down so no real concerns from HV. We are waiting for a formal diagnosis of CMPI/A but weaning is going well and she eats a lot. She is also an early walker and has been on the move for a good month now.

She is very dainty but I can't help to worry being so small isn't good? I also stupidly bought her winter and summer wardrobe in advance and at this rate she is never going to fit into all her 18-24m summer stuff. All her 12-18m stuff is massive.

Anyone else have / had a little dinky dot?

Jackson is quite slim he has an odd shape skinny and long sp between two sizes?

My neice Beth is super tall but really petite. Always has been since birth shes in school now and eats like a horse!

Think some can just go one way or the other. James wasnt super chunky either was he?

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Hi well I don't have a funky one quite the opposite really!! My lo is 7 months and already 23lbs���� I struggle to find clothes to fit him as his big belly stretches all the clothes!! However HV have said he is fine and will soon lose it when he gets moving. Just wanted to say as long as your lo is heathy and happy it doesn't matter what size she is I'm sure will all even out in the end. I get lots of gasps from people who ask how old he is then looked shocked when I say he is 7 months but I for one think he is the most precious lovely chubby baby I have seen!!.... But then I'm his mum!!
Opppssssss supposed to say dinky!!
My LG seems quite dinky compared to other babies I know. She's coming up to 8 months and was 16.5lbs at her last weigh in last month, she's still in her 3-6 month sleep suits etc. I've started using her 6-9 month clothes just to get use out of them but some bits still look big on her, she eats really well although I wish she would drink more milk. She has now dropped from 3 bottles of 8oz, 6oz, 8 oz to 4-5oz on all 3 feeds, she also has 3 meals a day.
Jack is 3 and still only weighs 28lbs. He wears 18-24 month clothes with the odd 2-3 t shirt that looks more like a dress really.
I've never had any health issues with it though except when he had a cough and I took him to the docs and he said his lungs were probably slightly smaller than a regular 3 year olds which makes it harder for him to shift a cough. Sounded a bit odd to me though.
Everyone comments on his dinkyness! He's had shoes for over a year because they still fit. He's just a slow grower I think xxx
Not as dinky as Bee but my little one is quite small.. I was laughing at the sight of a giant 10 month old baby dwarfing my 13 month old at playgroup today (this baby was 95th percentile and absolutely huge).

I was having a conversation with another lady there who told me "as long as the baby's alert and healthy it doesn't matter what size they are" which I think is a good thing to hang on to.

There was another lady there whose 6-month old baby was "not on a percentile line" as he was so small & he was going to hospital to be checked out, but ultimately, someone has to be the smallest, right? (He looked super-cute actually!)

We'll hopefully be getting a proper weigh-in tomorrow as it's been a couple of months, but I'm wondering if he's stuck to the 9th percentile or dropped again. We started out at 0.4 so anything above that is a massive improvement.

Reading your post again, I think the weight is less concerning than the height if she's still in 6-9 months old clothes? Even though sizes vary massively between brands (to a ridiculous extent). My boy is still not quite fitting into some of the 9-12 months we have.

My daughter was a dinky one when she was 3 she wore 12-18 months dresses. She was always small but grew steady from age 4 when her soft spot closed that's what caused her to grow slowly but she was healthy. She is now a Diddy 5ft3. Some people are just small :) now I have a huge one lol big and tall like daddy and twice the size of his pal who is 2 and he is 17 months xxx
Yes my daughter (almost 4 now) is still quite small. She was below 0.4th centile at birth (3lb 11oz), managed to get to 17lb 3oz at 1 year old and has slowly crept up from there and hovers between 9th and 25th now. She can still wear 2-3 year old clothes from certain shops.

I'm only 5' 2" so don't expect my daughter to be much or any taller. I've never found it a problem. I do remember worrying about my daughter when she started nursery as she was so much smaller than the other children the same age, but it's never actually been a problem. She's a whirlwind and noisy as well, so always noticed by everyone!
My son is a little dot. He's been up and down the centiles, but a year agro he was on 25th and he must be lower now. He is three and most of his clothes are 18-24 months (the same size as his nephew who is 20 months younger...)

My daughter is the opposite. A right chunk on the 91st centile and a huge 22lb at 9 months. Already swiftly moving into 12-18. Soon her and her brother will be in the same clothes size!
Rooster - I have this with mine. My son is massive (between top two centiles) and at 2 wears the same size clothes as his sister!!!
Hi Carnat, I don't have any personal experience but my friend's lo has always been small (0.4th centile for weight) and in smaller clothes than his age. He's now 14 months old and has been referred to a peadiatrician as he doesn't seem to be growing (he's dropped off the length chart). They weren't concerned about my friend's lo's size/weight in itself only that he doesn't seem to be growing. As long as Bee is growing I wouldn't be concerned, babies come in all sizes! xx
Had a big surprise at the baby clinic this morning. 13 months on the dot today, and weighing in at exactly 9 kg, which is 19 lb 12 oz, so we are getting close to the 25th, which is a big jump! I have been giving him some calorific snacks, those Organix oaty bars, especially the carrot flavour which is yummy for mummy too when baby has had enough. It's dairy free. He's also been having toasted tea cakes, hot cross buns and eggy stuff like omelettes etc. Also nut butters such as cashew nut & almond (can get from Tesco) on seedy bread, and a banana a day! :)

I think though, especially if she's walking (which apparently is a big calorie burner), developmental-wise she's relatively advanced so from many perspectives I'd guess you have little to worry about x
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It's interesting to hear your thoughts and experiences ladies. Thanks.

Bee doesn't have any dairy so I am not sure if this is affecting her weight.

It's just one or two skirts / dresses she wears that are 6-9m and I've actually packed them up now as they are getting on my nerves. She is mainly in 9-12m with the odd 12-18m..

We had our 1 year check at home so annoyingly they didn't weigh or measure her. She was weighed in a&e recently though.

James was never massive but he followed his line (25th) and always was in the next size up clothes but the time he hit that age ie he was in 12-18m when he turned 1.

I have no concerns at all about Bee but it's always a worry if she gets poorly and is off her food. She doesn't have any weight to play with as such?

I have a dainty one but she was premature so I'm sure that has a lot to do with it. She's 17 pound at 10 months and still wearing 3-6 months clothes bless her. She's on the 25th percentile. She's always struggled to gain weight so she's on high calorie milk powder to help. I also worry about lily losing any weight when ill. She lost almost a pound in Dec when she had a tummy bug followed by bronchitis bless her. I think she will always be petite though xxx
Carnat, I'm allergic to dairy and vegetarian too so I totally feel your pain. My baby is also veggie but I get him lots of protein etc through dairy, maybe if Bee is able to eat meat she may be getting a lot of nutrition through that?

I know she has been ill quite frequently over the past year, maybe that has contributed to the weight/height thing? I am sorry that both of you have had it tough on the illness front xxx
My Lucie is 2.5 and tiny. She still has some 12-18 skirts that she wears as anything else is massive. She is always a size behind and she has tiny feet, the HV has no worries as she is developing and is growing well. She has always been dinky (6lb,7) and has never been in a full size I.e. Worn half 0-3, half 3-6 as trousers and skirts just drown her lol X
I have no concerns at all about Bee but it's always a worry if she gets poorly and is off her food. She doesn't have any weight to play with as such?

This was always my main worry with my daughter. She was so tiny and every time she was ill, the first thing to go was eating. Luckily she was ok with dairy, so would revert to having formula and I'd let her drink as much as possible of that until she was better. I think the thing to do when they're ill is find something they really love to eat and drink and just keep giving them that x

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