Anyone else want another one >?


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2005
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I had a terrible pregnancy and not the best of births and vowed i'd never do it again but for some strange reason I keep thinking about having more :think: :think:
I know they say you forget about the birth etc (i havent yet!) the thought of going through it again terrifies me & I really dont think i'd cope with another (especially at the mo) but for some weird reason I feel this urge to get pregnant again ...? I cant stop thinking about it. Maybe its my hormones... im confused... or sick !!!!
Anyone else feel like this???
when Dior was 3months old i was watching holyocks and mandy was preg and she looked beautiful so i thought i want to be preg again now here i am 35weeks pregnant....
defo no more thou no matter what!!!!
kris said he will get the snip with out me knowing if i get brudy again lol

but i wont im sure i hate being pregnant!!!!!

il just wrap my lil boy up in cotton wool and keep him my baby forever

me too, just gotta wait im thinking after my birthday, but as long as Bernie and i get to go out for our anniversary in June then anytime after that hmm or maybe during our anniversary :wink: lol
oh glad im not the only one thats lost the plot then! :)

I hated being pregnant too, strange how u miss it... it must be a maternal thing.
I dont know whether to do it over the next year or wait til Aimee is about 4... the prob then is my husband will be 41 & doesnt want to be too old.

Dionne - you'll have to give us an honest opinion after your little man is born if its easier with the second !
I can't even Booty dance yet and i want another one LOL... I miss my belly and i want a house full of kids. OH doesn't want any more he said al he wanted was a girl and with my boy he has all that he wants. What a bummer. oh well. Maybe in a year or so i can get another one. Wishful thinking huh. Hope everyone is doing good. At the moment i am still tired. She is sleeping a little better but now the four year old keeps getting up at 3 am. AGGGG!!! LOL :wall: :twisted:
I would love another one...But in the absence of periods and therefore Ovulation...I'm buggered! lol
I actually didn't enjoy being pregnant or the Birth bit that much - I'd happily fast forward all that to the bit where I get handed my baby!
I would love another one, so would my o/h but i would like 3 or 4 but o/h doesn't no i can work on him, i did and didn't hate beening pregant it had its good moments and its bad moments e.g the first time she kicked, or the first time i heard her heart beat or the first time i saw her on the scan. and relised she was a she.
I'd love more but OH says no. I'll have to wait and see. Its the money that stops us, if we were better off we'd just go for it.

I wanna win the lottery, buy a massive house and fill it with kids :)
my mum saw a clarevoyant (sp?) and apparently me and my sis will have 6 children between us and one of us wil have twins! and twins run in OH's family :shock:
I am so so broody now, we have been discussing it loads lately but we wanna wait until Charlie is well over a year, don't think I'd be able to cope otherwise! x
urchin said:
I'd love more but OH says no. I'll have to wait and see. Its the money that stops us, if we were better off we'd just go for it.

I wanna win the lottery, buy a massive house and fill it with kids :)

I want another but money is what stops me being able to have loads. I'd love to have 4 kids , maybe more, just hope the pregnancy is better next time!! Me and Mark are planning to start trying after my 21st birthday at the beginning of Jan next year I think :)

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