Anyone else have a high rick downs result? Please advise...


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2005
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Hi girls

I am a visitor from the second trimester. I had a downs blood test done last monday and on wednesday morning the birthing centred telephoned to say that I was high risk of have a down's baby. I was hysterical. When I arrived, they stated that the risk was 1 in 210. I am 30 and didn't expect this at all. Has anyone else been in this position? I think that 1 in 210 is not devastating considering some people could be 1 in 5 or 10 etc. I am trying not to panic but just need reassurance. I am not going to have an anmio because the nurse said that the miscarriage risk was 1 in 100 (lower than downs risk). She also told us that the blood test was only 60% accurate anyway, which sent my husband into orbit with anger! Please could I have some feedback??
Hiya Julia

Sorry sorry to hear that you have had such worrying blood results. I myself refused the tests as my age (40) would have definately made the risk high and I felt that having to worry for 6 months for something that was "only" a risk factor was not worth it.

However, my 17 year old daughter who is also pregnant decided to have the Tests because as you can imagine with her being so young and healthy felt that the risks would be very low. How shocked we were when it came back as 1/100 chance of Downs. We went and saw a counciller who explained everything very clearly to my daughter and myself. She then the same as you decided not to have an amnio.

All I can say and emphasise to you that it is only a Risk factor and in your case there will be 209 people in a room with a healthy baby and just one with a Downs. Obviously as well it depends on your feelings about having a Downs, as both my daughter and I would not terminate anyway as we have had contact previously with other mums with Downs.

Know its easy for me to say to stop worrying but perhaps after the 20 week scan you will be able to settle more as my daughter has now. (not all the time but certain charactoristics of Downs can be picked up at the Anomoly scan) She is 26 weeks and feeling great now and looking forward to her baby in February 2006.

Hope this helps just a little

Ragna xx
I'm sorry that you feel so stressed out about the whole episode. Search on the internet some info on the AFP test. I had NT scan and refused AFP test because of it's high negative positive results - even my midwife told me not to bother with it.
Research as much as you can on the net and you'll soon find some reassuring results.
Good luck
Emilia xx
ps. I had also read that when they say you have a 1 in 100 chance of a Downs baby, it means that if you actually gave birth to 100 babies, only one could possibly be downs. Worth checking out on the net. x
Thanks for your reassuring replies... I know I am probably over reacting and there are ladies out these who have a much higher risk than 1 in 210. However, I just want everything to be perfect (like all mothers to be). I know that I could not terminate anyway. I will do some research and try to relax for the next couple of months....
i was 1 in 95 chance babie but then they realised they took bloods 2days too early doh!!
hope ur ok and hope they may have done this for u! xx

I got a 1 in 100 result back and opted to have an amnio just for peace of mind, I wanted to prepare myself and my family if the baby was downs. I now have a baby boy who doesn't have downs but I was glad I had the amnio because I would have spent the remainder of my pregnancy worrying more than I was worrying in the first place (I think I spent my whole pregnancy worrying!!!). Good luck.


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