Anyone else getting a TENS?


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2007
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Is anybody else renting/buying a TENS machine for labour?

I ordered the Mamatens unit they do in mothercare for £30 from for £20

I know it doesnt work for everyone but i've ordered one anyways, every little helps and all that. Anyone used one before?
I had 3 days of contractions in early labour and I found it did help! You have to stick with it as it takes a while and you gradually build up the intensity. I'd use one again :D

p.s. i ended up with mine on so high that poor OH got quite a shock when he was helping me get into the ambulance. Lol.
Yep. Just got mine from the birth centre. Will let you know if it works, if I go before you!! :lol:
i still recon it was mine that made my waters break :rotfl: :rotfl:

I woke up at 2 ish in the morning to find that the pad had slipped off my back and was zapping me in the bottom. i jumped up and my waters went!

i hadn't planned to use one, but they had them at the hospital so i used one. Its worth checking as they may have them you can use. I didn't realise how much it was helping until i asked them to take it off as one of the pads kept falling off and zapping me in places i didn't want it to (plus adam found turning it up to full blast when i didn't expect it very funny :roll: )

mine had been donated in memory of someone that had passed away. I spent ages trying to work out how i reconised the name, only to work out it was someone i went to school with! turns out he died for no clear reason outside a club and his mum worked as a midwife at the hospital and in his memory had donated quite a few to the hospital.

Im not planning to hire one this time around, but keep my fingers crossed there will be one available to use at the hospital.
I'm planning to hire one as well..... reminds me I really need to get my order in!! :D

midwife at the last antenatal class I was at really bigged them up, so fingers crossed it does some good!
I got one from the local midwife team last week. they only ask £7 for the battery and pads and then you give a returnable cheque for 30 pounds incase you dont return it, so much cheaper than hiring or buying from elsewhere. I thik they are worth trying, and if nothing else, gives us somethingto fiddle with at the begining of labour!!
oh my midwifes dont rent/give them. I'd also have 2 get a prescription 4 pethidine from doctors if i want it, but i dnt think i do.
TeenAsmaTeam said:
oh my midwifes dont rent/give them. I'd also have 2 get a prescription 4 pethidine from doctors if i want it, but i dnt think i do.

seriously! :shock: they had to get a doctor to sign it off to be able to give it to me, but there was always one available. But then i gave birth in the labour dept of my local hospital, not at home or in a MW led delivery centre (can't think of the correct phrase).
halemon said:
I got one from the local midwife team last week. they only ask £7 for the battery and pads and then you give a returnable cheque for 30 pounds incase you dont return it, so much cheaper than hiring or buying from elsewhere. I thik they are worth trying, and if nothing else, gives us somethingto fiddle with at the begining of labour!!

I agree :D im also using one my midwife will bring with her to the labour and put on for me. iv heard good and bad about them but deffo worth a shot and im only allowed g&a and tens machine anyway so maybe it will keep my mind a little focused, thats what im hoping. they can do something by injecting saline water in my back if im having back labour but i think id prefer not!x
Ive got one and used one with my others too, found it really helpfull.
im using one, i just bought a new one with a boost button i have a brand new one without a boost button if anyone wants to buy it from me all i want is £15 comes with full instructions for use in labour.
i always planned too, but i've kind of forgotten.
i know you can rent them from the chemist in tesco (good old tesco, they do everything!), i might pop out & get one tomorrow... if i'm still pregnant :wink: :roll:
You can hire them from alot of places, boots do them as well.

I've been lucky that my mum suffers from back problems and brought herself one, so checked with the midwife and i can use this.

Apparently there isnt much difference between the price to hire and the price to buy one.
Yea Ive got the m-care one too. Im using it as a distraction as much as a pain killer! :D
Hi I am 30 weeks into my pregnancy, suffering with bad back problems struggle to walk at times, considering a tens as still awaiting physio appointment at hospital, would it be any help , all suggestions welcome.

Cathy B :think:

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