Anyone else get frustrated at meal times?!!!!


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2011
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God I get so annoyed with Mia at breakfast! So far she's eaten two mouthfuls of porridge then point blankly refused anymore when only the other day she ate a whole bowl. It ends up everywhere cos she literally gets her hand and pushes it away, a whole crumpet cut into three has been thrown over piece by piece and the pieces of fruit have been flung about within an inch of their lives. Hardly any of it goes in her mouth! It's so getting on my nerves as once its on the floor that's it, I'm not going to keep making more!!!! Argh
Z was a nightmare with food, still is at nearly 3! I have now come to accept that he will eat when he wants to and not to stress if he won't as I can't force him. Try not to stress and just go with what your LO wants (easier said than done I know) xxx
Alex is the same some meals she will eat loads others it gets spat out nust go with LO thety wont starve themselves xx
Yes I absolutely hate weaning! We've been doing it for just over a month (lo nearly 7 months) and it doesn't seem to get much easier. It's a constant battle!

I just see all the hard work making the food and it go to waste when it gets spat out and chucked on the floor and it gets to me!
Yeah you're right ladies, must remember that! She's pretty much only eaten fruit this morning which explains why I get so many horrible nappies lol! I just worry it isn't really a very balanced diet! Healthy I know but she really needs a bit more substance! Breakfast has always been a struggle, other meals are usually fine! Thanks :)
It's no better at nearly 3 years old! We're currently having a stand off about breakfast!
Yes I absolutely hate weaning! We've been doing it for just over a month (lo nearly 7 months) and it doesn't seem to get much easier. It's a constant battle!

I just see all the hard work making the food and it go to waste when it gets spat out and chucked on the floor and it gets to me!

That's exactly how I feel, I went to the effort of making loads of stuff that got point blankly refused. Such a waste of time! Still love her tho! :)
Me me me! I get so pissed off with waste and time spent making lovely things! Never bothered me before by this last week it has! Maybe I'm hormonal!!!xx
Jack was a superb eater until about 6months ago. Now he'll have a couple of great days and then a week of bad days. Dinner time is his least fave meal, lunchtime is his best.

I never ever offer him an alternative but still offer him a yoghurt or fruit pot even if he doesn't eat anything for dinner. I never call it 'pudding' or say 'eat 2 more and you can have ......' because I hate food as a 'reward' for doing something.

Like everyone says, they eat when they're hungry and all go through this phase at some point xx
Breakfast time is a nightmare for us! But lunch and dinner are fine..
Because Ethan drinks so little milk, breakfast is the ideal time to make him up a big bowl of readybrek/weetabix etc to get the extra milk into him. Most mornings, he turns his head, fights me away with his hands - but has fruit loaf and fruit to feed himself and he's happy as larry?!
I think my problem is that he doesn't like to be spoonfed anymore.. But it's so hard to give him BLW stuff with lots of milk in! I'm lucky though, as anything he can feed himself usually gets eaten - I'd be pulling my hair out if he wasn't eating finger food either!!

Some meal times are really frustrating. Yesterday afternoon I made Ella some cheese sandwiches and she ate a couple of bits, then the rest got slowly and deliberately dropped on the floor! She part-spoon feeds herself, so I find if I'm spoon-feeding her if I give her a spoon of her own (even if she just ends up holding it), she's a lot happier. The only thing I get very tired with is her throwing her arms out at the spoon when she's had enough - food ends up going everywhere! She's never turned her head away or closed her mouth; it's always the arms out to physically push the food away.
I am not massively enjoying weaning :shock:

We'd just got into a lovely groove and now it's all changed again..

I just find it so tedious - the cooking, the extra cleaning, putting the big old high chair up and then dealing with the fact James barely sniffs what I give him.

I am doing BLW and a few things that have made life easier are:

* splash mat - so I can pick up food and give it back to him
* let James sit on my lap to eat, he prefers that sometimes
* give him our leftovers from our evening meal the next day so that narrows down the amount of cooking I do specifically for him. (we eat too late at the moment for him to join us at that meal)
* batch cook stuff to keep in fridge and serve for a few days (pasta, veggies)
* If I cba then I just chop up some fruit and give him that with yoghurt.

It is so hard but of course worth it in the end.

I still get very frustrated. He's usually a fantastic eater but after being so poorly he's being fussy with what he agrees to eat. Doesn't want a meal, just wants to stuff his face with snacks. He's also learned effective spitting methods :sick:

My lo is so fussy it's untrue. If its not biscuits, pizza or pasta he's not interested. I did blw with him in the hope that he wouldn't be fussy. He does like fruit which is something, but veg are spat out. The list of things he will eat is tiny.
I used to offer him an alternative but I don't anymore. If he doesn't eat his dinner, he gets a yoghurt for his pudding and that's it. I always used to worry that he would wake in the night, but he hasn't woken because he's hungry yet.
I didn't enjoy weaning at all. I was so nervous about it. Now I blame myself that he's so fussy because I was so worried about what to give him.

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