Anyone considered a Doula?


Dec 3, 2008
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Has anyone considered having a Doula present for the birth / post-natally?
Im considering it and Im actually meeting one next week to discuss it :) Not sure if I will yet but Im definitely thinking about it, why do you ask?
Good luck!!!
Well, I'm a Doula and I'm just wanting to try and find out how many people know about Doulas...
(Don't worry, not looking for work as I'm booked up for the next 6 months or so)
I'd never even heard of a Doula! :oops:
I just googled it so I could find out more.... I never knew such a person existed - sounds like they are akin to angels!
I looked it up but felt that it was rather expensive in my area. I suppose the attraction was because none of my friends have given birth and I don't have female friends in the area. However, I considered it and felt the person that I would like to be there is my husband and my best friend Phillipa. She lives a bit away, but she can stay with me around the time. This seemed more economically viable and more personally comforting.
I had to google it too, never come across it before, sounds like a great idea though!
I would LOVE a post natal one but couldnt afford it unfortunately :(
I would seriously look into hiring a doula for my next birth.

I had an awful birth experience of slow progress and being induced and eventually a section. During the extremely painful contractions brought on by the drip my husband (bless him, I do dearly love him) didn't really know what to do in terms of helping me to remain calm, to breathe or massaging my back for example and I felt like I was on my own. I clearly lost control whilst waiting 2 hours for the anesthetist all the time suffering back to back contractions, something which I really didnt want to happen.

I don't want to go down the section route again and so hopefully a doula will be able to help me manage better. I wouldn't be able to afford a qualified doula but I would look at hiring a trainee one.
Doula's are a great help it seems! I am soo jealous as I am certain there are no Doulas in my country :shakehead:
I wanted one but DH got really jealous. Strange, as I have never seen him jealous about anything before, but he got extremely upset that I'd even mentioned it... He thinks that he will be able to do anything I need :lol: He can't even go to Sainsbury's by himself, the thought he'll actually be of any use at the birth is hilarious. But at least he wants to try...
LMAO kitty, mine is fully aware he'll be no use at all, wants to be there but didn't turn a hair when I said I wanted my sister to be my birthing partner! It's partly cos he won't be able to get time off for antenatal classes and stuff, but he hates hospitals and is rubbish when people are sick/in pain so he knows full well he'll probably go to pieces. Bless them. They are weak and helpless :lol:
For some reason I thought duolas were more an American thing. If I had thought about it earlier and had the money I definitely would, especially since I'm having a home birth. I'll have to give it serious thought next time though; I hear they are great to have around :)
It's not something i've considered tbh. My husband will be with me at the birth (whether he likes it or not!) but i don't know how helpful he'll be :lol:
I think they could be worth their weight in gold if you didnt have a partner/mum/friend to support you and you would be on your own but i think friends and family would be first choice.

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