anyone 1-5 weeks preg????


Jun 27, 2013
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hi all just wondering if anyone is around 1-5weeks preg to see how you feeling and symptoms ect? please share I have just found out I'm preg and think 5-6 weeks but not sure for defo and only feeling is sore boobs m headaches......
im 4-5 weeks i think. i have sore boobs, the odd headache and thats it. slight sickly feeling but wouldnt call it nausea
I think I'm 5 weeks. Waiting for dating scan as I miscarried late last month and haven't had a cycle in between. I've got sore boobs, and like jojo84 a slight sickly feeling. Also a low immune system.
I've only had sore boobs since I found out I was pregnant and I'm around 6-7wks. Past couple of weeks I've even really tired, hungry and peeing a lot xx
I'm 5 weeks tomorrow :) I've had symptoms since 12dpo. They keep changing but they included:

AF like cramps
Sickness but no vomiting
sore throat
sore boobs/nipples

I just turned 6 weeks today. I have been extremely nauseous today and yesterday, and so so fatigued I find it very difficult to stay awake at work all day! Slightly sore nipples, light period type pains every now and again and diarrhoea (sorry tmi!) which I read is what some women get instead of sickness. Congratulations on your little bean! :)

I am just over 4 weeks. I have extreme tiredness and heightened sense of smell x
jojo84 our edd are 1 day apart :)
Ooh exciting! Although I'm being cautious with it... Terrified I MC :(
me to jojo I had a mc in may at 5 weeks so I'm still very nervous but I'm hoping that the fact that I caught again next cycle is a good sign and I have a sticky bean.

Fx we all have a happy healthy 9 months x
Hi girls, I'm 4 weeks along. Only found out 3 days ago! I had cramps/bloating from 2 dpo, 1 day when I noticed some milky cm and then had funny breathing from about 7/8 dpo (like breathingore deeply for no reason). I also had a couple of spots on my face which came a bit early for them to be my period (maybe 7/8 dpo). I still have the cramps, like a medium AF pain which is constant throughout the day after eating brekkie. I still have a bit of the breathing thing - I'm just breathing more deeply. I've had 2 MCs so also a bit paranoid about it happening again especially as the doc I saw said I could have more before I get a healthy pregnancy. But, I kinda feel 3rd time lucky right?! Plus this time is the first time I've felt tinges of sickness. And the first time I got implantation bleeding at 10/11 dpo. So fingers crossed it's sticky. Oh, I also need the loo loads more than normal!
I am 5+2 and I feel a lot more tired than I normally would. Have tender boobs and feel sickly on and off especially if I get hungry. I am also now very bloated in the evenings x
Oh yeah I forgot the tiredness! I'm usually a night owl but keep thinking during the day how it would be nice to curl up and have a nap...
just want to add bloating on to my list of symptoms, today I look like I'm about 5 months already lol
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I'll join you on the bloating! Don't think I'm going to look great in my bikini when I go on hold in 2 weeks!
I'm 5 weeks today and don't have many symptoms yet. Just a bit bloated, a bit tired. When I was pregnant last time, I didn't really get any symptoms until I was 6-7 weeks along x
I'm not feeling too good at all at the moment, might get my first spew soon :-/
I'm feeling tired and getting nipping/shooting pains in my stomach!! 12 hour working shifts don't help either xxx

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