Hi girls, I'm 4 weeks along. Only found out 3 days ago! I had cramps/bloating from 2 dpo, 1 day when I noticed some milky cm and then had funny breathing from about 7/8 dpo (like breathingore deeply for no reason). I also had a couple of spots on my face which came a bit early for them to be my period (maybe 7/8 dpo). I still have the cramps, like a medium AF pain which is constant throughout the day after eating brekkie. I still have a bit of the breathing thing - I'm just breathing more deeply. I've had 2 MCs so also a bit paranoid about it happening again especially as the doc I saw said I could have more before I get a healthy pregnancy. But, I kinda feel 3rd time lucky right?! Plus this time is the first time I've felt tinges of sickness. And the first time I got implantation bleeding at 10/11 dpo. So fingers crossed it's sticky. Oh, I also need the loo loads more than normal!