Anybody else experiening this/know about this?


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2011
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A question for you ladies....

have any of you experienced, on like ur sternum (below where you bra lies) like a sore burning sensation if u touch it? mentioned it to mw to see if anyone else had mentioned it to her and wondering what it is, as can be really painful some days....but mw never heard of it! guess im just a freak...yesterday it was really sore and felt like little needles stabbing it at times...theres no red mark or rash or anything, the skin looks completely normal, but its really annoying me now as iv had it since 2nd trimester....maybe its just where skin has stretched i dunno...but im not feeling it anywer else on bump or anything just below bra line (even bought new bras but my bra doesnt actually touch it.....iv taken to putting like a pad on it to prevent my top touching it as it is really sore

is it just me?

I have the same thing and my mw said it was my ab muscles.They have stretched or may have split (if u can feel a dent in the middle)- its a really horrible burning feeling.

Iv just now settled to getting up like a huge hippo using my arms and not my tummy anymore

Yes Bella I have this! Been getting it since about 22 weeks. Its like a hot burning sensation under bra line right at top of bump. Worse when I'm sitting down. Its really uncomfy and sometimes quite painful. I still get it now. The midwife and physio at my antenatal class said its normal, itsjjust the muscles stretching and tearing apart as the baby grows (yuk!!). I find putting a cold wet flannel on it when its really hot helps loads. So you're not alone hun it is normal. Just another fun pregnancy symptom :)
I have too, mine mainly around where my bottom rib is on the left (but it does go right across) some days it felt that bad it was as if someone had punched me in it and bruised it really bad. It was sort of a tingling horrible sensation all the time. I actually thought it was my bra and went to get new ones but didnt make Much dofference (did a bit but that was possibly because bra was too tight anyway). It has worn off a lot now, but still there. I had it bad from around 14-24 weeks x
yeh mine started weeks and weeks ago like 20 odd weeks....thanks girls its put my mind at ease, i thought it was only me lol espec as no one had mentioned it to my mw before!

il defo try the cold flannel...i only said to mum the other day i feel like i need to put a bag of frozen peas on it

hope the pain goes when baby comes!

I thought I was the only one who had this too! - I got it quite early on, and wearing a bra just made it even more sore, id keep pulling my bra away from my skin cos it was just so sore. Saying that, I havent had this for the past few weeks now x
Oooo fx itl ease off then for me like it has just totally baffled


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