Any tips to help implantation?

maybe baby

Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2010
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Hey Everyone!

I'm on the 2WW at the moment and I was wondering if anyone has any tips for things that may help/hinder implantation?

As last cycle I had a M/C I'm feeling extra cautious and want to do everything I can to help things along..


Maybe Baby xx
I was really sad when i read that you m/c'd so i'm glad that you seem to be back on track :)

Basically the things mentioned in other threads - baby aspirin and pineapple are the only ones that i'm aware of, although i think they would need to be taken early in the cycle before the uterus lining formed.

Doctors may give progesterone or hCG during IVF to aid implantation but i don't know if they'll give it regarding a tendancy to miscarry.

I don't really know what to suggest, but i'm sure you'll be fine. It might not feel it, but you're one step closer to baba than most of the rest of us :)
Hi maybebaby :)

Things that can help:

Pinapple juice can help but use after OV and not too close to AF, Take it easy no heavy lifting, (i've heard heavy

exercise can stop you implanting), try not to get stressed out, cut down caffeine.

Ive just read progesterone cream can help as progesterone is vital for implantation? i don't know how true this is

though you would have to look into it.

If i find anything else i'll pop back and let you know. Its all worth a try :)
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Careful messing with hormones like progesterone unless prescribed because they can really screw up your natural reproductive function and can have several other side effects :)
Thanks Girls!

Louise- If I don't get a BFP again then I'll try the baby asprin next month, I think it would be good for me as I've read that my pill can affect the uterus lining.

Glad you mentioned the lifting thing Shauna, last time I really went crazy in the gym so this time i'm being careful, not even running just walking.

As for the Progesterone i'm sure I've got enough of that as I have spots for the first time since I was a teenager!!

By the way Shauna I like your Parrot, does it talk??

Yeah he swears alot though, sings and everything lol and if you shout at him he shouts "ey di**head lol. hes really brainy. Wont have anyone else but me though just bites them ...i love him like hes part of the family lol x
Do they make a lot of mess?

Are they potty trained? :)
yeah a bit of mess wid him flinging his food about when hes in a funny mood, and when he flaps his wings feathers fly everywhere and skin lol so it gets pretty dusty! and no not potty trained lol he sh*ts everywhere he can u potty train them do ya think? lol x oh he loves trying to drag the curtains in his cage to bite them lol x
imagine bringing one up with a baby they would copy the crying haha nooooooo x
lol - i don't see why they can't be potty trained... smart enough :)

He sounds like a right handful ;)

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