any helpful ideas for my project?? ;)


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2009
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hi everyone!

going into my honours year at uni in september :S very scared, especially as i dont know how im gonna manage with LO! anyways, i have to do a research project this year, plan it, carry it out and analyse it all myself. i want to do something with questionnaires at it means i can do more study from home rather than in uni all day. i was thiking of something along the lines of breastfeeding? seeing what influences feeding choices or something like that lol

just thought i would ask for any advice you ladies have :) anything you think is worthwhile researching or something you would like to see researched?

(not sure if this counts as cheating haha)

thanking you all!

I have no suggestions but when the time comes you could make use of our research forum :D

Good luck x
Before reading the whole of your post I was going to suggest breastfeeding! Good luck with it :) xx
Breast feeding is a bril topic to do! Think you should do that. Haha. X
you could study whether family trends in feeding affects a new mothers choice to brestfeed. like, if noone in her family breast fed, is she less likely to choose breast feeding? and why is that?

I did a questionnaire for my final research project too. I did an opinions rating questionairre (lickert scale) it was so easy to analyse cos you just put the numbers into a spreadsheet and it generates pie chart/graph responses for every question. My friend did an open interview and she spent weeks doing the analysis! Not worth the time really. You prob have to do something qualitative too so I added a 'coments' box at the bottom and took some of the quotes to comment on after the numbers bit.

Good luck!!
thats a good idea tiny :) def manage to work that in! gonna get these exams out the way then have a month before im back at uni so gonna redo my project proposal then


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