Any advice from you lovely pg ladies would be welcome


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2011
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Hey ladies

I have done about 5 hpt which all look positive but they are all quite faint.
I am 15dpo and my af due on Thurs
they havent got any darker in last 2 days seem the i wait to see doc until my af late?
or until ive done a digi?
Hi, well it could be that theres not enough HCG in your urine yet, seeing as you're not due on till Thurs. Try and resist testing until Thurs (hard i know, i was terrible, went through about 20 tests lol) and hopefully you'll get your BFP! And i'd wait until your af is late till you see ur doc.
Good luck, got my fingers crossed for you! xx
I did 3 frer's starting from 2 days after af due, first was very faint, second faint and then third I did 6 days after af due and then it was quite dartk. Its still early days hun :) x x
As the others have said..wait until the day af is due or the day after to test again. I got my BFP a day after af due and then saw midwife for booking in at 6 weeks.
My test's all came out negative for 2 weeks, as my HCG was not high enough. So maybe give it a couple of days
Hi hon, I'm a wee bit confused, but by Thursday you would be 17dpo? This is an awfully long luteal phase is this normal for you? Sorry if that sounds totally cheeky I'm just wondering if maybe you ovulate later than you think, I found that out when I started doing opks.

If you did ov late then you could have plenty time for your proper bfp xx
thanks everyone..i did anothe clear blue today

its still faint i think?
i ov on the cd12 i know as I have a cbfm....which gave me my peaks.....and i have a 28 day cycle so I have a 16 day luteal phase! today is the last day of this cycle........tomorrow should be day 1 so we shall see if af arrives!!!!!

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