This is just getting a little out of hand. Im just so anxious about every tiny thing. If a mc happens i know that there is nothing you can do but its consuming me. Im freaking about everything. How will i cope in work if im sick? How do i word to my manager that im pregnant? What if i cant cope in work? Amigoing to have problems cause im overweight? Ami going to looked down upon by midwives because im overweight? How am i going to afford to live on maternity pay? Am i drinking things that have hidden caffeine? Am i definitely feeling pregnancy symptoms? What if the baby doesn't develop properly? How will i cope with the loss? Honestly my mind is going crazy i must have a thousand what ifs and i cant seem to relax.
Please tell me the worries ease, im hoping its because im just in limbo no appointments no anything booked just waiting to see my gp to get referred. Im so exhausted worrying and cannot seem to settle.
Please tell me the worries ease, im hoping its because im just in limbo no appointments no anything booked just waiting to see my gp to get referred. Im so exhausted worrying and cannot seem to settle.