Antidepressants while BF


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2017
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I've been struggling with baby blues since the start (baby now 9 weeks +4). My doctor asked if o felt I could cope or would I like any medication. I asked if it will have an effect on my BF or baby and he said yes it could do so I decided to see how I get on. This was 3 weeks ago. I'm still struggling at times. I go to baby classes, walks, see friends when I can etc so I'm trying to do everything I can to help the blues.
Has anyone here taken antidepressants while BF? Did it have any side effects on your milk? Or effect baby? Thank you.
Hi i took medication but i struggles for 11months before i seeked help. You have to ask your self do the benefits out weigh the risks? For me yes. I needed to function to look after her. I only took them a couple of months and then i forgot and actually i didnt feel that different then. I think i still have bad days but tjey did help for that short period and maybe thats all i needed. Which ones you been given. I was told my was fine x
He didn't give me any. He didn't even explain his they can effect BF. I had the impression he didn't want to give me anything. Does anyone know what the effects can be?
The preferred antidepressant is sertraline.
It enters breast milk at very very low levels and is generally considered safe.
It's more likely to have side effects for you... Upset tummy, vivid dreams, insomnia, loss of sex drive.

Can your GP refer you to a mother and infant mental health team for more support or for some talking therapy first?

I don't have any experience personally but my sister took sertraline after her first baby and successfully breastfed for over a year.

Hang on in there, you are doing a great job and things will get easier.
I took medication recommended by the doctor. it helped...but I definitely felt less like myself.

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