

Well-Known Member
May 28, 2011
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heya ladies :) i recently had bloods taken that showed i had anti-c antibodys i just wondered if anyone here knew what that meant? iv had a few problems with my pregnancy including persistent bleeding for almost 3 weeks now and tbh im just full of worries atm, it would be good to have one less thing to worry about :roll:
I had anti bodies present in my last pregnancy. I have no idea what effect they have or what antibodies they were but I had a big warning about them stuck to the front of my notes. I think it is important in case of transfusion (to match up bloods) but I didnt suffer any ill effects that I was aware of x
Sorry I got this all wrong - ignore me :)

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Argh sorry my last post is all wrong, please ignore it - can't seem to edit it at the mo but need to rush back to work


thanks guys, im not sure it means anything either? i had these bloods taken after a bleed in this pregnancy (i was expecting twins and sadly iv lost one of them) and the hospital sent me a letter with a little card that iv to show to doctors if i ever need a transfusion or if im pregnant as it says on the card this could be harmful to my baby, my midwife wasnt sure either so iv had all my bloodwork done again to see if it clears up the mystery, if i find out i will let you know :) x
r u sure u dont mean anti-d? if so i have this blood group also rhesus negative means after bleeds i need an injection sumtimes and after birth or a mc need the anti d injection and u need the injection i think its 3 times now during your whole preg might be dif now but this is how it was 6 yrs ago xx
Basically it means you've got rhesus negative blood type and because your baby might be positive you need injections to stop you making antibodies that could make you ill if your blood mixes with your babys. I am o neg so i had these injections during pregnancy last time and then a few days after birth. it's just preventative but necessary ;) your baby may be negative too so alls swell anyway x
yes jojo and samsmum are correct , i'm very suprised and rather worried your midwife didn't know or understand this, can be if not known before hand a serious issue at birth make sure it is clearly on your notes. all the best xx
thanks guys, i did google it after reading this and i think i understand it a bit better, well sort of, i asked the lady that did my scan yesterday and she said you can get lots of different antibodies and for some of the more unusual ones they keep a close eye on but that i have nothing to be worried about :)
If you already have the antibodies that's not great as it can cause problems, I'd check if you do, it would only be likely if you have had previous rehsus positive pregnancies, miscarriages or abortions.

If it's just that your blood is rehsus negative you just need the anti d injection to prevent your body ever producing antibodies to positive blood.


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