Another Scan


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2012
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So baby R played up at their 20w scan so we have another one next Tuesday, (totally pointless thread btw). Now with our first pregnancy I wanted to know the babies sex my dh was totally against the idea, then after losing our first 3 babies I decided the sex was not important at all. (which it isn't to us but hey) so at 12w my dh said to my great aunt and my nan that we were going to find out the sex of this baby, at which I replied I thought we didn't want to know. So after a lengthy discussion we decided not to find out the sex. On the run up to our 20w scan I really started to want to know the sex but dh said no, so I was a good girl (it took all the will power I have) and I told our consultant that we didn't want to know. But now we've got to go back next week to finish getting the measurements etc as baby was in an awkward position and no matter how much the consultant tilted the bed or I wiggled my hips baby didnt want to budge. So I've got to try all over again not to ask them to just tell me! GRRRRR lol
My son made me wait till 32 weeks hun well and the fact the previous hospital wouldn't tell me x

32 weeks pregnant. Team blue!
5 more sleeps and i get to see Baby R again :) WOO HOO
Awww Sprog I've missed this!! Not been on much this week but am majorly jealous you get to see baby R again!!!

Come on, be strong and stay team yellow with me :) xx
well what can I say to my bump buddy :) Ok Ok i'll definately try... knowing how awkward baby has been up to yet, he/she will probably has its butt at the screen as soon as the consultant touches my belly and show the world everything lol.
Aw hun, its hard isn't! We stayed team yellow with our first and it was amazing when my OH told me 'its a girl' :D so wanted a girl! We decided to find out this time as is easier to be organised better, as we already have girls things and with Millie too, just want to be organised :) Be strong hun, it'll be worth it! x x
....Must stay strong.... Must stay strong.... Must stay strong....​
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it's so hard, i thought right thats it you did it, you stayed team yellow, then the consultant said soc see you back here for another scan in 2 weeks lol, i was like NOOOOOOOOOO but at the same time dead excited i get to see baby again :)
I got another scan cos baby was playing up! I wasnt complaining lol!! x
scan day again lol.... must stay team yellow, must stay team yellow!
Managed to get a really nice pik will upload it tomoz at work, had an amazing scan. Baby tried to get us to see his/her bits but we managed to look away and stay team yellow :) go us!
Well done! U really are determined! Look forward to seeing pic! Xx
Hey guys, as promised my pik from my 22w+2 scan :)
Scan - 22w+2.jpg

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