Another question...


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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You know when u ovulate do u akways produce an egg?

Sorry please dont laugh...

i think ovultaion is release of the egg but sometimes you may not ovulate every cycle but im not 100%
sorry im confused, but if u dont ovulate what is the blood, i forgot what i learnt n biology!!!

pretty sure thats just the lining of the womb coming away....i couls be tlaking out of my ass here though lol
A healthy woman should ovulate every month, with exceptions, stress illness etc, youl always have your period as said above its your uteral lining coming away, if you have oved though this will cme away as well

Its ok, no one is going o laugh, just becasue were women doesnt mean we know everything that happens to us.
I think it called anovulatory (sp?) cycle ( where you dont produce an egg)

As mrs_tommo22 says it can be affected by stress and illness and I think diet and excercise plays a part too.

Yes - you can menstruate but not ovulate. It is called an 'anovulatory cycle'. You can search in fertility friend for anovulatory charts.

This tends to happen regulary if you have PCOS (Poly cyctic ovarian syndrome) where you don't produce an egg every month because one of the ovaries might not work.

But you have a 28 day cycle. You are fine. If you want to be sure start temping/charting (taking your temperature each morning upon waking to find out exactly when Ov happens) and get yourself over to the Chart Stalkers Thread!

/wow thanks girls this started off as an embarassing question but you have given me some real food for thought.

thanks so much!!!

It's quite common for a perfectly healthy woman to have one annovulatory cycle every year or two - sometimes it just doesn't happen. If you frequently have annovulatory cycles, however, then you need to get checked out - as Sookie says, it can be a symptom of PCOS, amongst other things.

Occasionally, the body produces luteinising hormone, but when the follicle bursts, there's no egg inside. Also, sometimes the egg just doesn't make it to the uterus or even into a fallopian tube - it can get lost in the pelvic cavity.

The endometrial lining of the uterus is maintained by progesterone (which also keeps temperatures in the luteal phase high) - so when your progesterone levels fall, the lining comes away. If there is a fertilised egg present, it causes the body to produce more progesterone, so the lining doesn't deteriorate but supports the egg. An unfertilised egg has the same effect on progesterone levels as no egg at all... so you get your period whatever.

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