Another mw appointment update :)


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2010
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Had midwife early, she was super nice to me, so that was good! :lol:

Baby is fully engaged, I'm not seeing her again till due date. She said she'll give me an internal then and a sweep if baby hasn't arrived. She told me to get on the raspberry leaf tea. I did ask her if it was ok to drink because I'm anaemic and she said its fine, which I'm glad about because I like it :lol: She also said hot curries and then mentioned sex and I said there was no chance of that :rofl: I'm all excited, even if it could be another 5 weeks!! :roll:

I did mention the pains but she didn't say much and I've still got this dull period like pain. Reading nothing into it though. She'll comewhen she's ready :)
Ooooooooh I'm so excited!!! Fully engaged!!!! Whoop whoop! Can't wait to see Emily! Glad mw was nice to you x
awww ace! hopefully you wont have to wait the 5 weeks
Great news! I have an appointment tomorrow night - hoping for good news myself!
Pinky Omg I am so happy hun!!!! Woop feels like our little club are coming to an end!!! Where shall we all go from here?? X x
Awwww im so excited! Glad she wasnt a bitch this time lol!

And thats good about the RLT - ive been having a cup a day and think ill increase it when i get to 37 weeks x
Sounds like a positive appointment. Fingers crossed you don't go over.
Wow sounds like everythings moving in the right direction! Glad the midwife was nice to u too xxx
Pinky Omg I am so happy hun!!!! Woop feels like our little club are coming to an end!!! Where shall we all go from here?? X x

I know, I miss you :( How you getting on?

Thanks girls!!!!
i think its pretty quiet without lex and smess too kinda weird and there is another 4 that are about to leave us anyday now mind you the other lovely ladies are starting maternity leave soon so they might spend their time on here instead hee hee

ive only got 6 weeks left and when you think 6 weeks isnt much really in the grand scheme of things
Sounds good pinky :D Glad she was nice to you today ..

I had midwife today too.. no change from last week though infact the notes she wrote are exactly the same Im sure she just copied them .. I was asking what the earliest I can be induced is and she said 10 days over is the earliest although she doesnt seem to know much about anything. I was hoping for a week over max as hubby isnt here long but oh well.. hopefully this lil boy willmake an appearance soon!

I bought the RLT but have barely drank any i Keep forgetting.. must remember !!
Midnight - it is quieter, I think you should start a riot :lol:

Beth - have you had any pains? mw said if I needed a second sweep, I'd get one the next week after due date and they would book me in for induction. Really would rather not get induced but I'm assuming by that stage I won't care :lol:
glad it went well.

hurry up emily we all want to see you. xxx
well its going to be even quieter with me away for the long weekend i cant get on here on my phone because its a pants phone
It's fantastic that she is fully engaged. Hopefully you won't be overdue. xx
When I'm on maternity leave I shall be causing chaos on here!

Yay for baby Emily! I really think she'll come early!

Miss you guys loads.but feel silly posting in here now lol... like I don't belong lol.... we need another room to take over and talk in lol. X x x

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