another inlaw rant!!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2005
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Sorry this will be long i need to twine about her so badly!!!
MIL just been round about half hour ago and she's stressed me out big time!!!

It all started 2 years ago when she decided to declare bankrupcy. She knew when she was going to do it so she emptied her credit cards, spent her limit on catalogues and used up all her storecards (came to over£10000!). She had 3 fridge freezer in her kitchen, 3 camcorders, 4 mobiles, new oven, washing machine, tv...could go on forever!!!

She gave Carl a camcorder for his birthday when she found out i was pregnant to- i quote- 'record baby's life'.

Then last year our freezer packed in so we were given one of MILs (she had 2 squeezed in her tiny kitchen and one in the spare room)

Now she claims some company have got in touch saying she needs to pay £800 back. She said the bailifs(sp?) came round but couldn't find anything valuble but they'd said 'if there was a camcorder or fridge we could've taken them'!!! She talks so much shit!!! I'm sure theyd've noticed a massive fridge in the bedroom and all her other expensive stuff.

Anyways she came round today and said she needed camcorder back cos she'd sold and the buyer was coming to pick it up this afternoon. She needed to sell it to raise the £800 because they were taking it out of her 'wages' everyweek and she couldn't afford to live on £50 a week!!!! She's been on dole her whole life, gets everything paid for and doesn't need a thing!

Guess why she's on dole?!!! cos she's only got 45% hearing in one ear! I'm part deaf in one ear and it doesn't stop me doing anything! Dunno what planet she on :evil:

I told her that i had a tape of reece in the camcorder from when he was born. I've been addin to the video of him every week since so i asked if she could wait till tonight so i could put them on disk. She said no! So much for recording baby's life, i'll never be able to watch his tape again. :cry:

So i took tape out and put everything in box for her. I've lost the instruction booklet for it and when i told her that she went mad. 'HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO CLAIM INSURANCE ON IT WITHOUT THE BOOKLET?'
:?: :!: :!:
I pointed out that she'd said she was selling it she said she had to go. Took the camcorder and went!!!!

Well she's lying: bailiffs will take rugs, expensive looking pot plants and other weird stuff. I saw them on tv they took the guys cd collection , took beers out of his fridge and even his pedigree CAT!!!
sorry but she sound like a complete waster of space! i feel bad enough when i go over drawn in the bank let alone going to 'max out credit cards!

Can't believe she asked for the camcorder back - i would have 'dropped it' when you gave it back to her!!

If she is declareed bankrupt then i thought someone else took charge of your bank account and i thought that they take ANYTHING of value.

not sure..but she sounds terrible..
My dad is completly deaf in one ear and works full time - if she is claiming false benefits then you can call the benefit office with out giving your details - especially if she is earning money
Hypnorm said:
i if she is claiming false benefits then you can call the benefit office with out giving your details - especially if she is earning money

Would love to but i dont know anything about benefits and what people can claim :?

Her doctor just wrote a note for her to give to the council saying she depressed living on her street so they need to move her asap!!! The only reasons she wants to move are:
*She's fell out with her daughter who lives on the same street and is embarrassed walking past the house because she knows she was the petty one.
*She wants a house with 2 downstairs rooms!!!!

She lives by herself in a big 3 bedroomed house at the moment and she wants a bigger one!!! :x

What annoys me most is she said to us the other day "When i get that house i'm gonna get a part-time job, get a morgage, jack in job then i'll get a free house!"
Yet she still claims disability!!? Do u need to be completely disabled for allowance or do they give it to anyone?

If someone can give me details on disability etc then i'd like nothin better than to grass on her :twisted:
LOL Hazel :lol:

Thought my MIL was bad!! Although she is tight!! OH's eldest had a baby girl back in July but MIL fell out with her too so didn't end up giving the baby the clothes she had brought. (so now she doesn't see her son, 5 grandchildren and 1 great grand child!!). When will she realise that maybe she is the problem?!! :shock:
Anyway she ended up sending Phoebe the things she brought for the other baby and making out she'd just brought them for Phoebe!!

Not sure about the whole benefits thing. I guess you could just ring the Benefits Agency and have a chat with them or give the CAB a call. You go girl :lol:
BubbleOne said:
I'd grass on someone. Fair enough if you have a good reason to claim benefits but so many people are fiddling it or are just plain lazy and can't be bothered to work (don't want to start anything here, just my opinion, lol). You go girl :lol:

I agree so much with you!!!

Definatly gonna consider doing it. I know if OH found out though we'd probably be over! :cry: (i'll have to be careful )

Your MIL sounds really similar to mine!!! On xmas day we took MILs granddaughter to see her (her daughters girl who she's fell out with). Mil was in a pap with herself over something (dunno what) and she told her granddaughter (who's 9) that there was no point in her visiting and she gave her the prezzies she'd bought her back!!! One of the prezzies was a framed portrait photo of granddaughter and her brother." That's not a good picture" she told her! :x

She then told her that the clothes she was wearing didn't go together then she told us all to go!!! She never even looked at poor little Reece :evil:

God sorry i've gone on a bit,i could go on about her all day. I've thought of loads more stuff about her- i might write a book! :wink:
I work alongside bailiffs :oops: and in actual fact, there is very little they actually will take. They have to consider how much it will cost to remove and store it, then how much it would get at auction. 9 times out of 10 they wont take goods as it's not worth it. They usually only take cash or vehicles. Those programmes don't portray it as it really is, they just show what they think the viewer wants to see.
my dad was a bailiff, they do all they can to help you before they go down that route. they do get a bad press.
Yeah I agree with that too :D

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