Thanks. I've been looking at lots of scans online and referring to the 30 degree rule, but I can't see a nub in the first scan and unsure if that is a nub in the second scan (the baby's legs are crossed and up, so is it revealing something?). I have another in 2 weeks. Maybe it'll be a little clearer at 14+1!
I really really want to know, but my dw doesn't so, I'm going to be playing the guessing game for now. My first scan after they can see the gender is at 21 weeks and not until after xmas (30 Dec). So I have some time to work on her. Unfortunately, friends and family are split on their advice which is giving my dw amo to stick to her guns of wanting a surprise, as those siding with her say there aren't many surprises in life, so let this one be one of them. Argh.