Another Braxton Hicks Question


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2007
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When did you (if ever) start to get painful ones?

Tonight I have been having the worst BH's Ive had yet, my tummy hurts so bad and its rock hard. I think maybe baby is moving too as my bump is one VERY odd shape...this could be causing them I guess? Ive had a nice warm bath and Im drinking water to get them to go but OUCH!!!! :(
humm i dont remeber exacally but i think it was a bit later then 29 weeks 4 me... but braxton hicks can eb painful the books and midwifes lie :shock: lool
whatever you do don't rub your bump as this makes them worse.

Mine started getting painful around 30 weeks ish
I want one!

I havent had a single BH yet!!
Mine are just starting to get painful.

I always get them at around the same time of day as well.
you do not want them you mad mad woman!!

bloody horrible things, should make them illegal!
ive been getting some really really bad ones to the point of taking my breath away i wasnt getting any then all of a sudden they started :(
manda xx
mine took my breath away last night. I ended up rocking all over the place on my birthing ball to get comfy :lol: The water seemed to ease them too so maybe I was dehydrated and LO was sure going mad in there last night :roll: None so far today though :) I expect all sorts of weird pains and stuff from now on though - countdown to popping day :cheer: :cheer:
How do you know if you are having a BH? I have had painful twinges at times but I dont know if they are BHs or baby moving in a painful way?
my tummy just contracts and goes rock hard for about 30 seconds to a minute & then it relaxes again :)

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