

Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2016
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I was just wondering if anyone has ever had an Annovulatory cycle? (I think that's what they call it, when you don't ovulate)

What symptoms or lack of symptoms did you have??

This month I used the clearblue digital opks that show a circle or a solid smiley (not the flashing smileys CB test). Used them from CD 15- CD 22 fmu (the earlier I've had a pos opk is 17, and the lastest is CD19). But No Positive!!
I didn't have any symptoms either this cycle, no sore boobs which I always have after ov. Today I'm assuming is CD1 as I'm having a light bleed/spotting. Devastated and feeling defeated :wall2:
I was about to post this exact question. Pretty much. I've just started using OPKs & on Saturday I got tender boobs at work, and so tested when I got in, it was a faint line which package states is negative. It was CD11. I tested each day since until now (my O day, according to my app, was yesterday) and all shown no second line at all.

So I'm wondering if I too haven't O this month?

I did read NOT to use FMU, (it takes a few hours after waking up apparently) but to test between 2pm - 8pm or at least after 11am. So you may have just missed the surge with testing in the morning?
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I only ovulate every 3 months, so when I don't ovulate i don't get pain. Although a few months ago opks said I was Oving but I didn't get pain or any symptoms with it, and a few days after I was in agony no idea what happened there... but i only really get ov pain, and tiredness with it.. Sorry I can't be of more help xx
Girls, temping makes it easier to understand the cycle. It shows you if you are ovulating. Have you tried it? x

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Many women dont know when/if they OV going by OPKs alone.

If your really wanting to know if/when your best with temping. OPKs pickup your LH that helps gear you up for OV, but some just dont - some then have another surge.. We are all different confusingly..

Perhaps try temping, if it shows your not OVing Id perhaps visit GP and explain the situation.

Good luck.

I've been ttc for 4 years, I've been using opks and I've only had a clear positive 4 times. I've been pregnant twice, neither time I had a clear opk, the second time I got a nearly positive but never did go positive that cycle. It is really easy to miss your surge. Mine is really short, a couple of hours. Have you tried doing them several times a day? I agree with the other ladies, you may find temping a better option.
Thanks ladies! DH wants us to see our GP now, think he's more gutted and confused than i am.

I usually use the Tesco opks and i have always had a positive with them, which is why i am confused this month. Maybe i didn't ovulate, but maybe its the CB tests itself or maybe because i used fmu. I normally test in the afternoon but i just followed the instructions didn't i -.-

I would love to temp but i do a lot of shift work so i doubt i would be able to keep it up!

I haven't tried testing several times a i guess i'll need to order some cheapies.
Mrs Law, you need to order cheap ones and test 2x a day minimum. As soon as you see a line you need to test 3x a day until you catch the surge x
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I did - I had the WORST cramps around OV time but no positive OPK, honestly they were the worst cramps I've ever had! Then I had a reeeeally long cycle like 40 odd days and I had an extra heavy bleed I think because it was longer than normal.
Yeah my surge is quite short although cycle 3 I got like 3 days of positives which was confusing so I ended up giving them up and try smep and got my bfp but not knowing when I ovulated was a bit naff in the 2ww but worth it.

For temping if you do shift work you could set yourself an alarm at the same time every day I think you have to be sleeping for 3hr minimhm though I think.

It is always good to mention to GP so that it's on your records as the time for testing is after a year but if you don't mention that your ttc then a year later want tests they may challenge you. Seen it happen on occasion.

Wishing you the best of luck I'd deffo order a lot of cheapies and do 4hr holds and test as you go just so you don't miss it.

I found I didn't get positives with opks which was 25mui, I ordered the one step 20 mui and got great lines.

That's a good point russelmuscle, if I tell my GP early at least later down the line there will be evidence that we've been TTC for a year. Hope you're pregnancy is going well btw :)

With my shifts I work can long days, have days off and might work nights so temping after 3hrs sleep might be hard...but I'll consider it

Deffo going to order some cheapies and start doing OPKs at least twice a day... Thanks for the advice x
I don't know if I ever ovulate. I should try OPKS but I am rubbish at remembering to do it! I have polycystic ovaries so I guess that means that most (or if not all) of the time I don't ovulate!
I agree that temping is better and gives you a great insight into your body. I only use opks now when the hospital asks! Xx
Yes it seems like the ladies who temp understand their cycle a lot better.

I definitely don't think I ovulated this month... CD3 and my AF is light, it normally gets heavy on day 2 but it's stayed light. This is not normal for me

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