Anaemic & Infection :(


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2011
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So my 33 week midwife appointment was disappointing. Baby is head down but not engaged (although that's normal at this stage right?), but apparently I have a urine infection, which I don't have any symptoms of! I guess now that I think about it I was moaning that baby was kicking me in the bladder yesterday but could have been a sign of the infection.. And she seemed certain the infection was causing my backache but I had the really bad backache at my last appointment and the urine that day came back clear!

They also finally had my 28 week bloods back which showed I was verrrryyyy slightly anaemic so she has recommended weetabix, red meat and green veg and to have my bloods retaken just before my 36 week appointment to see if it's gotten better by itself.

Found out my hospital only has one birthing pool so fingers crossed! Will definitely need to make a plan b in case I can't use it though.

SO awkward - there was a trainee midwife in the room and the qualified midwife was being so impatient and snappy with her. At one point they really seemed in a strop with eachother lol!
Good luck with the iron levels. My mw normally comes as a pair lol xxxxxxxxx
oh hope the infection and anemia are both gone next time, i was head down but not engaged at my app today too so think thts fairly normal at this stage

oh id have been laughin at the 2 of them bein snotty lol did they forget u were there haha
At my last appointment, baby was head down too but not engaged, so completely normal. Haven't had any signs that he's engaging yet either, even though I'd love him to be!

Just eat some cereal with iron in it a bit of veg etc and your iron levels should be fine :thumbup:

And with the birthing pool, it's exactly the same where I live, there's only one pool at the hospital so they treat it as a first come first served basis. If you're wanting to use it definately - put it right at the top of your birthing plan so it's the first thing they see when you go into labour, and also when you ring labour ward when you're in labour, ask on the phone if it's available because you want it :)
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I am due on the same day as you, and our baby is breech, and moving around. (think it is a boy) so don't worry, at least you are head down. My MW said to wait until 36 weeks to see if we are still breech.

They think I have an infection every time I go, when I do a urine test, and this was from 10 weeks. Just drink lots of water, which I know is hard when you are pregnant, as you want to wee all the time anyway.
I've had a couple of urine infections during the pregnancy. - but never had any symptoms... Strange! First time I was given a course of antibiotics, second tine wasn't given anything. Just drink plenty of water to flush it through your system. I'm sure with a few extra iron enriched foods your iron levels will pick up... Plenty of broccoli, spinach, red meat and weetbix! Yum! :)

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