am i too early to move into here?


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2011
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im 26 weeks today. am i tri 2 or tri 3?
i moved over just before 27 weeks but noone will mind if your a lil early hun, come join the anticipation lol there are a lot of feb ladies waiting to pop!
God i havnt even thought that far ahead yet. ekkkkk.
one week isnt much of a difference :) welcome! xx
Come inside... Join the fun! :). Welcome! :)
Hi hunni the more the merrier cos fingers crossed a few of us will be leaving Tri 3 in the next week (in the nicest possible way lol)

It'll fly by and before you know it it'll be your due date xx
Welcome!! Yes you will probably see a lot of baby action in the next few weeks, I remember thinking oh my goodness that'll be me soon, and sure enough i'm here now! It gets very exciting when theres a labour watch!
Hello!!!! I'm hopefully leaving soon ( in the nicest possible way ladies ) as I'm due in 10 days do you'll get to see some action as well as a few of us are due :) hope you've had a age ride through to here xxx

Welcome............Must say I will be on my way soon when he makes his apperance.

It will go quick.

x x
:wave: there will be a mass evacuation of tri 3 soon enough! Lol! Lots and lots of full term, ready to pop and overdue babies! Lol!
welcome to tri 3!! its def the best tri :) we wont tell anyone you're a week early ;)

hows your pregnancy going so far?

wow thanks everyone.
havnt even thought as far ahead as i should really.
pregnancy has been ok apart from HUGE weigh gain, i could only keep down crappy food for 1st 16/18 weeks.
as for life, not great. hubby's loosing his job in april. and our dog is poorly sick havnt seen him in 24yrs and its really upsetting me. and might not be able to see him today due to an bi opsi.
apart from that, im ok i think. lol
Awwww glad you're joining us angie! But so sorry about hubby's job and your dog, not really what you want at the end of pregnancy :hugs: Remember you have all of us PF ladies to vent to when you need it xxxxx
Welcome to Tri 3, many of us leaving soon, sorry to hear about your hubby and dog :( x
im sure we all know how you feel when it comes to weight gain so you're not on your own!!

so sorry about your hubby and dog though thats alot of stress you really dont need in your pregnancy.... wishing you all the best xxx

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