Am I the only one


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2011
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Who wells up or cries when looking through LOs newborn pics? I'm reduced to baby tears everytime I flick through them. Angel was never a tiny baby given her height and birth weight but she looks so little and I love that bleary eyed newborn look, it just melts my heart. xx
I'm the same hun , my eyes fill up when I look at Ruby's newborn pics xxx

Aww good to know I'm not the only one :) we're making a book of photos for OHs Dad (he lives in Korea and has never met Angel) and it's so emotional going through them again obviously I love what she's like now, she's got her own little personality and she's babbling nearly crawling etc but I miss her soo much as a newborn I just feel like I wanna go back in time sometimes and hold her and cuddle her and kiss her even more than I did, hope that makes sense lol xx
Totally. Also can't believe how fast the time has gone as well. I can't wait to have another and have the newborn stage all over again. Though the sleepless nights are something that I don't miss at all ;)
Lol Princess I dunno where the time has gone either, I just think she's gonna be 18 and not need us before I know it and I hate it. My OH said aw we'll have another one day and you'll have that newborn stage again and I said I don't want another baby I want Angel as a newborn again lol xx
Yup!! And I was sobbing my heart out putting all her newborn clothes away in boxes!! X
I well up at the start of her album and that's 41 bump photos lol
The one that always gets me is the photo oh took in special care when she was wired up to everything as I was still in a daze when I went down the following morning
Aww good to know I'm not the only one :) we're making a book of photos for OHs Dad (he lives in Korea and has never met Angel) and it's so emotional going through them again obviously I love what she's like now, she's got her own little personality and she's babbling nearly crawling etc but I miss her soo much as a newborn I just feel like I wanna go back in time sometimes and hold her and cuddle her and kiss her even more than I did, hope that makes sense lol xx

It's scary how quick they grow isn't it . X

Bless LL. Aw tinks that must be difficult I was put under a general and didn't come round for an hour after she was born so no skin to skin or anything for me either and that still kills me even now, so god knows how it felt for you hun :( xx
I really know what u mean about wanting the newborn stage again- everything seems such a blur to me now from that time! Ethan is Sooo different to how he was back then and I can't believe how fast time is now moving on! I've only got a few more months and I have to go back to work! :-( Gonna b a v tough time! But u r def not the only one to cry at the newborn piccies! It always gets me emotional! X
It was hard, she was only in for less than 24 hours but I felt really detached from her for weeks afterwards, but I always tell myself it could have been worse and she definetly makes up for it now with her only mummy will do moments lol
This thread has made me have a look at the photos on my phone
From this........

To this...........
Aww bless her! So cute! They change so quick! X
I was sitting in the car at Tescos the other week and I saw a couple getting into their car with a really really new baby. I bawled my eyes out.
Dammit you got me. Fighting back the tears now, I'm such a softy.
Oh bless ninja that's so cute!! I can't believe how it feels like yesterday we were all pg and now look at our LOs !! Xx
Its funny reading this Lauren. I'm not normally all that emotional. But my baby girl is gona be 8 on Sunday. And I had a right blub last night, I couldn't stop crying & woke up LO with all my sniffing. I kept thinking of her as a toddler & how clingy she was, following me EVERYWHERE & I miss it.....god i'm crying again. FFS. Its almost as if i'm saying good bye to her childhood & baby years. Its just so hard that they are only babies/children for a while. Its really really surreal, think how fast the last 6 months has went, see when they get to like 8, its bloody rediculous, Kayden has some of LO's baby toys & I could swear on my life it feels like yesterday it was her playing with them, I call Kayden my baby girl or my princess sometimes by mistake & a bit of my heart feels sore when it happens.

It was HUGE when she started school & thats when we started ttc, I thought it would fill the gap of losing my baby, it didn't. It took my mind off things for a while tho. I need to sort thro fotos soon & I duno if I can.


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