Am I the only one...


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2011
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...with a ff baby who is still not sleeping through and waking for milk during the night??

Just wondered as EVERYONE else I seem to speak to, even if their baby is younger than Jax, has a baby that is already sleeping through the night. Lennon didn't sleep through until he was just over a year old. Is it something I'm doing? He doesnt have a dummy or suck his thumb or anything. I leave him first to see if he'll settle but he never does. Sometimes he'll wake once, which is fine, sometimes twice which isn't too bad but sometimes it's 3 times and he'll drain a 7oz bottle each time!! We are starting to wean now.

It doesn't bother me hugely but I'm just curious as to whether or not I'm the only one as when people ask me, their faces are so shocked when I say he's not sleeping through so I'm starting to get paranoid that it's something I'm doing wrong :wall2:
Nope, not the only 1 at all, we've given him heaps of food in the day and he still wakes for milk every night (though depending on what we've fed him the times vary- cheesy mash makes him last longer) I guess its just one of those things, he can go more than 8 hours without some form of food, I've tried just giving water but it just keeps him up another 2/3 hours so its just easier to give him milk, think the warm full belly settles him. He also has a dummy which he loves, possibly a little too much x
Thank goodness it's not just me. Do you think some babies just do it and some don't? He has 'slept through' (from 6.30pm) twice a few weeks ago (although he did wake really early, at about 4.45am!!!) but it was a total fluke.
Not the only one :hug: x

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Sorry didn't want you to see that's loads had looked at your post and not put something. My DD is only 5 weeks so im still feeding in the night.
My sil's sister has a 14 month old who's still waking during the night for food so you're not alone! xx

I know Im bf but everyone looks surprised when I tell them Kynon still wakes. I think its more common than we realise and not always to do with food and being hungry.

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I know Im bf but everyone looks surprised when I tell them Kynon still wakes. I think its more common than we realise and not always to do with food and being hungry.

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I was gonna say something similar.

Why do people care if our babies sleep through btw? I'm always asked is he good? Does he sleep through?

Of course he's good he's a baby! No he doesn't sleep through but that don't affect your sleep does it?

Also I think everyone has different definitions of 'slept through' G's just up for a feed - in my eyes it's the middle of the night so she didn't sleep through, but she went down at 10 so 7hours is a full night to some people. Xxx
Also I think everyone has different definitions of 'slept through' G's just up for a feed - in my eyes it's the middle of the night so she didn't sleep through, but she went down at 10 so 7hours is a full night to some people. Xxx

I think you're right. Jax will often sleep till 2am but he goes to bed at 6pm so that is an 8 hour stretch!

Mummy to two beautiful boys; Lennon born 5th March 2006 and Jax born 24th October 2011 :) <3
Same, Charlie goes to bed between 6 and 7, has a feed about 1 or 2am, back diwn and up at half 5ish so he does pretty well, although sometimes he wont go straight back to sleep and that's when I want to die but I feel lucky in a sense cause he used to go to bed at 9 up at 1, then 2, then 3 etc etc x
nope! Grace is pretty much the same age. She went 5 nights in a row last week 8pm-6:30am but last 2 nights is back up wanting milk. She's definetly hungry because she's having pretty much a full bottle and we cant hold it off with a dummy like we normally would
Samira is up countless times every night, sometimes wanting milk, sometimes not. No idea how to break the habit, have tried all the various non-cry methods recommended by all the wise books, but unfortunately Samira doesn't seem to have read them...
My neighbours grandson is 18 months and still not a full night yet!
Sorry, i've not been able to read all the replies, but have you tried a dummy or are you willing to try a dummy? He could be comfort drinking thro the night? I've heard ppl in your situation say a dummy helps. Could you even try & give slightly less in the bottle so he's not used to being fed so much?

Good luck


Why do people care if our babies sleep through btw? I'm always asked is he good? Does he sleep through?

Of course he's good he's a baby! No he doesn't sleep through but that don't affect your sleep does it?


I know what you mean! When I was pregnant the most question was 'do you know what you're having?' Now it's 'does she sleep through?'

No she doesn't! She doesn't go to sleep until 11pm, but she sleeps until 4am, has a feed, another at 6:30 then sleeps until 8:30am (or she skips the 6:30 feed and wakes at 7:30) and I think that's pretty good for a bf baby who's 9 weeks old! So bog off! Ha ha!

Annoyingly, they also follow their question with 'mine slept through at 6 weeks'. Did they? Did they really? Why do they feel they have to say that? Do they want a medal? Or a slap in the face?! Sorry - rant over!
We seem to have gone backwards, she was obviously teasing me with her 5 day stretch and we are now up twice for feeds in the night! Im not bothered as if she needs milk then she needs it but I've got 4 weeks before going back to work and I dont know how Im going to cope doing a 9 hour day and getting up through the night :( Guess coffee will be my new best friend lol

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