Am I strange?!

positivity :)

Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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So it was a close friends lo's 1st birthday party on Saturday. My step dad is her uncle so was going to go along too. On Friday my step dad said 'so are u going tomorrow?' and I automatically replied with a screwed up face 'not sure, all those annoying kids running around' lol!! My step dad (knows I'm preggers) burst out laughing and then I realised what I had said....don't think it's quite sunk In that I'm having a child yet lol!!

Didn't end up going as I was unwell anyway, does anyone else get those 'moments'? Xx
Yes!!! I actually find most children annoying esp if I don't know them! I was on the bus the other day and this kid, must have been around 1, keep making this really loud noise! It wasn't crying and it wasn't really laughing, it was just a noise! And I found myself glaring at the back if the dads head trying to will him to make the kid be quiet! And ended up turning my headphones up really loud instead!

This fact is, you will love your LO to bits, but hate hosting birthday parties for them and still get annoyed at strangers kids xx
I find myself wincing whenever I hear a baby cry!!
I STILL find other children annoying :)
Thankfully my son is perfectly amazing and well behaved (yeah right !!!)
I STILL find other children annoying :)
Thankfully my son is perfectly amazing and well behaved (yeah right !!!)
I STILL find other children annoying :)
Thankfully my son is perfectly amazing and well behaved (yeah right !!!)
Wait until youre heavily pregnant! Whenever im out and theres a screaming child everyone looks and me in pity and i get ''thats what youve got to look forward to''

I'm not a fan of kids either, even found my daughter annoying around age 6 lol! I keep seeing or hearing annoying kids and thinking omg what have I done starting again! I do love little babies though!
im on my 5th and still find kids annoying hahaha
i agree! there was a child down the street the other day with his mum and started screaming at the top of his lungs (it hurt he was so loud) because the traffic lights didn't change quick enough for him... i turned to OH and said "little s**t". he really got on my tits!!!

needless t say he fell round the place laughing..... but our child will be perfectly behaved (ahem) :rofl:

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