Am I pregnant?


Active Member
Nov 23, 2009
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I don't know where to post this, whether it's right to start a new thread or not... So sorry if I'm breaking protocol!

I've just signed up today because I am a little late for my period (usually quite regular), the first day of my last period was about the 19th October (I think - I'm hopeless at keeping track) and we have been trying since 31st Oct. We definitely had a good crack at it while I was ovulating!

I have had really sore breasts since last Tuesday now which is normally a sure sign that I'm coming on but it certainly doesn't last more than three days normally. I have started to feel just slightly nauseous over the past three days and feel like I've 'filled out' a bit around my waistline.

I have done three tests over the past week (I got excited!) and wasn't perturbed by the first two negatives because I knew it was probably too early but now that the third has shown up negative, I'm starting to worry that I'm not pregnant at all :(

I worry constantly because I had to have an abortion when I was 19 and got an infection afterwards which led to lots of complications. I think I was too young to understand and ask the pertinent questions about whether it would affect my fertility. This has always panicked me as I feel like I was born to be a mum.

A quick scout of the interweb shows that my boobs, nausea and bloating could well mean I am pregnant but I don't know how much HCG I should be producing by now and whether it's enough to show on an HPT. I have booked a blood test at the doctor on Weds morning so I guess I'll have to hold out for that but I was just wondering if you lovely experts could offer any further advice/pearls of wisdom that my ease my over-stressed mind.

Thank you!
A lot of people don't get a BFP until some time after their period is due. How long is your cycle usually, and when was AF due?

Good luck hun :hug:
My cycle fluctuated madly for a couple of years after coming off the pill but now I'm down to a fairly regular cycle - it jumps forwards usually by a day each month so I should've come on Friday 20th. If I had, I wouldn't have suspected pregnancy at all as that would've been the standard achy boob jaunt beforehand.

Thanks for wishing me luck :)

I also worry because we haven't actually been together all that long (6 months) but I know he is the one, at the risk of sounding cheesy, and all the factors are aligning perfectly to welcome our baby into the world. I fear that people will judge but I've wanted children for so long yet never met the right man to do it with. I have had three long-term and loving relationships but none of them have seemed quite right. I would be really interested to hear from anyone else who has had children early on in a relationship.
Like Tonks said it's not out of the ordinary not to get a positive test for a while after you're late. We all produce differing levels of HCG so you might be on the lower end of average and it's not enough for the test to pick it up.

Does sound promising though! Good Luck! :dust:
Thank you both. Do we know how much more accurate a doctor's blood test is than a HPT?
my first was born after 4 months together and on the 1st december will have been together 10years so it can work even if people judge you!!! :)
That's great, thanks! I know everyone's different and my nearest and dearests will be massively supportive if I am pregnant. I should stop worrying about what people think anyway. I'm crazy about him (plus he's already a father to a 6 year-old so I've had the benefit of seeing that he's a great dad), he's crazy about me and I can see a wonderful and stable future with him whenever I think about it.
as long as your happy thats all that matter dont worry about what others think!! im sure people didnt believe we would still be together 10years with 2 kids and trying for no3.
everyone has there good and bad times but that what makes you stronger as a couple!!
wishing you the best with ttc xx
Thanks Louise, glad to hear you and your man are yet another couple who disproves this weird myth!

Update: Without wishing to sound too gross, i had a little bit of white liquid leaking from each nipple earlier this evening. Has anyone else experienced this? What could that mean?

Sorry to keep on with the questions but as I'm sure you can all appreciate, finding people to talk to about this in the early stages is very difficult for fear of jinxing and there's only so much a partner can understand about our complicated female bodies!
Hey Good Luck!!! Let u know how it goes :hug: I didnt get anything like that when i was first preggers but everyone is different...
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Good luck hun i hope you get a BFP soon :) Leaking from your boobs can be a good sign xx
Thanx ladies. Doctor just tested my P (BFN) then said to come again next week. I'm starting to feel a bit alone so i phoned my one and only sister who I am SO close to and she was really snotty about the fact that me and the man havent been together all that long. How does that help me if I am pg?! I feel really stressed now and confused and know that won't be good if I am PG but I can't help it :(
try not to stress out too much as it wont help either way. really sorry you didnt get the help and advice from your sister especially if your close.
I waited till i knew i was before i told anyone as like you didnt wanna be judged after not being with partner very long.
when is your af due?
AF was due four days ago. I should've waited like you, I just have to try and be patient for now and not stress about it. I'm worried that the stress is just going to put AF off even more if I'm not pg. Thanks Annie, still got everything crossed for you too!

sorry she's not being supportive. Like you said the length of time you've been together isnt really the issue at hand.
Thanks MM. I got a message from her late last night apologising and we spoke this morning at length so I'm feeling a lot better about things.

I did another test this morning and got the faintest, faintest positive line. So faint that I might've been imagining it but I'm still feeling reassured. Perhaps by tomorrow HCG will have built up enough to produce a decent line?
lots of PG dust for you hun :dust: Really hope you get your BFP xx

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