??? Am I pregnant or not?


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2014
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I have been in here previously however had abit of time out as my last pregnancy ended in a late miscarriage at 16 weeks. That was the end of March. My scenario now is I just have this feeling that I'm going to get pregnant this cycle. My cycle is usually 26 days, only dtd once this month on Tuesday 26th July, last period began on Friday 15th July. I did a poundworld cheapie today and got a very very faint line (thought I might be imagining it it was so faint), so I did one of them super cheap strips out of interest, I saw another very faint line however it disappeared after a few mins. I am testing super early as my period is not due until next Wednesday. What do u think the chances are of me being pregnant?
Hi Hun, firstly sorry hear about your mc :( it's the worst feeling ever
Secondly a line is a line, try with your fmu
Fingers crossed for you x
Thanks. I will try this with my fmu in the morning. Can't help thinking it was an evap line as I have tested 7 days before my period is due so expected a neg. Time will tell I guess.
Retested this morning with a test identical to what I got the faint positive on yesterday and nothing it was negative. Also, tested on a cheapy strip thought I could really faintly see something but not sure if I had line eye. Will wait a few days and retest. Maybe these cheap tests aren't going to pick up 6 days before my period.
I retested yesterday and got a definite faint line on a clearblue test so fairly confident it's a positive atm. Period isn't due until next Wednesday though so hopefully I've got a sticky one.

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