Am I being paranoid?


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2005
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Hi All,

Just asking for a bit of advice really, (or rather asking you to help me feel better). I know I'm only 4 wks 5 days, but after having m/c in August I'm not sure whats normal and what isn't.

I seem to have hardly any pregnancy symptoms apart from feeling a bit tired, no tender larger breasts nothing...... (preg test was a faint positive!) I seem to have quite a high temperature though (but not sure if thats down to having swollen glands bit of a red throat) and yesterday had quite bad dull back ache (had this when I m/c before) before I went to bed last-night and again this-morning I have an orange/red tinge to my discharge (sorry to be so graphic) not a lot of it mind you, but I am worried sick that history is repeating itself!! :oops: I am keeping an eye on it mind you and if it gets any worse I shall book in with my G.P.

I know it's probably normal, but whats normal for one person is not necessarily normal for someone else....

DH and I crave for this baby so much I just don't know how I'd cope if I m/c again. :(

Any advice is gratefully received, (have'nt told any family yet, so have no one to talk to, DH does'nt want to tempt fate, but I think I might need the support.) :cry:

Love to you all
I had hardly any symptoms until i was 7/8 weeks then it all kicked in morning sickness tiredness the works. In fact I had such a lack of symptoms I was convinced my af was on its way and got a shock when the test was BFP. I also had a bit of spotting and a brown discharge which cleared up after my scan at 13 weeks. Speak to your docs if unsure and remain positive. Good luck
Hi Davinia.....I am panicking already and have been to my GP this morning because I too was having this red tinged discharge and my cervix felt open too, he told me that the tinge is just part of the implantation. I have been having back pains too but apparently that is normal too. He said if I am worried to go to Watford general to the Elizabeth ward. I dont want to go this early. My doctor has referred me to my gyno for tests and to see if I need any progesterone or baby aspirin. The baby aspirin he said I can buy myself but progesterone I have to see him for. I dont know what to are not paronoid Davinia, all who have lost recently are going through exactly what you are going through. Its gonna be a terrible long wait for us all and I am dreading it.
The tinge sounds normal and I would try not to worry, its happening to me right now.
I am not even feeling sick and my boobs only hurt when I prod. I am getting like stretching feelings in my stomach too and Im not even tired.

Lack of symptons will worry you because we expect to feel them more when we have miscarried. Stay strong for all of us. I am thinking of you hun.
Keep us updated with any change and I will too.

Take care Davinia.
All my love Jacqui x x
Thanx Jacqui,

So nice to hear from you. I'm sorry you are feeling similar to me, don't know if it's good or bad...... I think I could cope with one or the other but not both, it's the back ache thats worrying me the most!!!

I too don't want to go to hospital this early, It's too early to see anything anyway, and I'm scared of what I might find out.

My boobs don't hurt at all!!!!! I am slightly tired though but thats about it, I am also worried becuase the test I did only gave a faint positive, I might do the other one in the morning to see if it is stronger....

I think of you often and hope all goes well for you over the next 9 months, I will pray for you...

Keep in touch.
Lots of love
When did you last test Davinia?........I always think of you too, please dont worry. You are 4 days ahead of me. I am 28 days today and I did a test on day 27 and the blue lines were the same colour but my periods are quite irregular too.
my cycle is generally 27days found out tuesday lunch time day 32. Bought 2 tests have 1 left.........

I'm just thinking of my symptoms and I didn't really start feeling sick until about 6 weeks. I think what you're describing is normal for this stage but I know how you must be feeling.

Sore nipples and tiredness were my early symptoms and peeing a lot. Sickness came at about 6 weeks and was constant until about a week ago. It eased off but it's returned though not as constant.

I had an achy back too but it was worse just before I found out I was pg.
hey girls, resident visitor from the Third Trimester group -

I have been reading your posts and remember that every pregnancy will be different. I did not throw up once through this pregnancy nor did I feel sick at all... so try not to look for symptoms or you will worry yourself silly waiting for soemthing to happen.

Most important thing for you right now is to stay relaxed and stress free (if possible) and make the most out of all the good feeling days you have, this is pregnancy not an illness and you will naturally worry regardless... but remember there are people who expect you to call and ask questions. It's no fun waiting until your next doctors appointment when something is bothering you, and they DO expect you to call if you are worried about things...

Take Care, Tineke

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