Am a Mummy at Last


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2006
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Yep you read the topic right... Am finally a mummy.

Of course my baby has 2 extra legs and alot more hair, but am a mummy never the less!!!! :lol:

Meet Molly :D

She's 7 Weeks old and a little Cutie love her 2 bits.

Why a puppy do i hear you ask? Well after officially 2 years of trying I need to take my mind off everything, I cant revolve my life anymore around cycles and my moodswings due to ttc.

My wedding is now all booked for 2009, Iv got molly and my wedding to look forward too and hopefully now no longer planning a baby it may just happen as I feel already am in alot better place mentally.
oh she is just...way too cute!!!!!!! Congratulations on your new little bundle of fluff :lol:
Awww how cute is she, give her a great big squashy cuddle from me...adorable :D
I think its a great idea to try and have a normal life - you never knw if you have your normal life and do it all casually it may happen and i really hope ot does :hug:
Aww what a cutie she is, what breed is she?

Congulations on setting a date for the wedding, How wonderful!!! :hug:
Thanks Girlies.....

I still have this mothering feeling and urge to nurse someone.. and I always wanted a dog, but like most thought i will wait til i get the big house in the country.

But shes a little toot and keeping me on my feet - shes just like a baby... poos and wee's everywhere and cries every 20 minutes he he... am having loads of sleepless nights - but i love it.

Shes a minature shih tzu.. .she wont grow more and about another 3/4 inches!!!
Aww she is gorgeous. Now I want another dog :D
Awww what a cutie....My cats are my wee babies at the mo...they are soooo spoilt...God help them when (hopefully) a baby appears lol
She is sooooo cute I love her little face! Swap her for 3 house trained cats?? Please!!!!
can i place a bet that now your taking your mind off trying, youll catch!!

i decided enough was enough, booked a wedding, and was amongst all the wedding planning, completely forgot about cycles and bang, i was pregnant, much to my dress makers annoyance!!!

good luck!!

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