Almost 4 months with no period but negative tests?


Mar 18, 2016
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Hi ladies,

I'm hoping one of you has been through something similar to this, as I'm not quite sure what to make of it!

My last period was at the very end of November, and I've had nothing since, except the tinniest bit of brown after I peed and wiped on Monday and Tuesday of this week.

I took a test just before the new year, it was negative. Took another in mid January, still negative. And took my last one a couple of weeks ago, still negative. I'm hesitant to take another because, a) negatives suck, and b) they're not cheap!

I've noticed other symptoms as well, they are:
  • Increased vaginal discharge (I used to only notice it a day before my period started, but it's been fairly constant at the moment. It's white/yellowish and doesn't smell, so it's normal, there's just lots more of it!)
  • Acne has gotten worse
  • Abdominal pain (I've had some cramps, almost like a stitch while exercising, the past week or so)
  • Lower back pain (I've always had issues with lower back pain though, it flares up every once in a while, so could just be that and unrelated to this specifically)
Also, I came off the Depo injection almost a year ago now. I had no periods while on it, and for a few months after I came off it too. But then I started to have heavy periods like I used to before I was on it. They weren't anywhere near regular yet, but at most I'd go maybe 5 weeks without one. My husband and I aren't actively trying to conceive, but we're not not trying, if that makes any sense! I was hoping to regulate my periods before we really went for it, but we haven't been using any contraception, just letting it happen if it happened.

I have a doctor's appointment on Monday, so hopefully I'll get some answers then. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced anything like this before, and what it turned out to be in the end? I don't think I am pregnant, so I'm worried it's something else, like ovarian cysts or something.

Sorry for the really long post! Thanks for reading!

happened to me before, so i went to by OB GYN. Turns out I have poly cystic ovaries, lower back pains usually because of UTI
I'm thinking because your periods haven't been sorted out before after coming off the depo you were waiting to ovulate because without it you don't bleed either. Some women do go through a couple of months of not getting their period after coming off contraceptives. My periods disappeared on the coil so after having that removed it took a couple of months before falling pregnant. Ask the doctor to test for you, on the Internet you can find cheap tests and you can always get a more expensive test once you get a good positive on one of them to "confirm" it. Hope that helps x
Thanks for your advice. I did wonder about coming off the Depo being part of the problem. It's just weird that I went about 3 months with no period after coming off of it last year, then had 5/6 months of irregular periods, then back to this nearly 4 months of nothing again. Maybe that's normal, I have no idea!

Hopefully I'll get some answers today at the doctor's anyway. Thanks again ladies :)
Annoyingly, it was just a talk really. I have to go back today to get my blood taken. I'm thinking I probably won't get the results until after the Bank holiday weekend as well, so even longer to wait than I thought.

The doctor said the most likely reason for my symptoms, other than pregnancy, is PCOS though, so I'm thinking that's the way it's going, but we'll see.
Apparently I'm not even being tested for pregnancy with my bloods, so they obviously think there's no chance of it! Probably PCOS then I guess. I won't get any results until next week, so I'll post again when I know anything. Hate the waiting!
So I got my blood test results back. They tested levels for SSH, LH, prolactin, testosterone and thyroid. Everything came back normal except the thyroid, so not really sure what this means yet. I have another proper appointment next Wednesday, so hopefully I'll have some proper answers then!
So my doctor explained my abnormal thyroid numbers a little more. She said they're only barely elevated, so more something to keep an eye on, and that it shouldn't be causing me any symptoms. She's referring me for a scan now at my insistence, although that won't be for a couple of weeks apparently.
At least your on the road to getting to the bottom of it Hun! I hope things settle down for you, I hate not knowing what's going on with my own body! Xx
Thanks ladies �� And yeah, definitely moving in the right direction.
So I haven't updated this in a while, so I thought I would in case anyone every googles a similar situation in the future and finds this thread!

My ultrasound showed that I have polycystic ovaries, however my blood tests from before showed that my hormones were normal and I have no other symptoms besides no period, so my doctor thinks it's just cysts on the ovaries as opposed to Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (if that makes sense!).

So now I've been given Norethisterone to try and induce a period, I had to take 3 tablets a day for 10 days, I finished them Saturday night. No period as of yet, but I understand it can take a few days. Any of you ladies had any experience with this before?
I highly recomend charting your BBT and CM. I have PCOS and before I started charting I was doing pregnancy tests all the time!! Now I know when I ovulate so no need to stress! Abnormal thyroid function can also delay or supress ovulation.
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also, my pcos is only ovarian cyst related, my bloods are normal (so like you I have "half" of the syndrome if that makes sense), talk to your doctor about taking metformin. It has helped me regulate a LOT
Thanks for the advice! I don't know if tracking my CM would be any good right now because it's pretty much constant. It seems like every other day I have some in my underwear! But tracking temperature is definitely a good idea, I think I'll look into it.

I've had some brown spotting today and one wipe of bright red, so hopefully this is the start of my first period in nearly 6 months! I really don't miss the sore boobs and the cramping though, lol!
Full blown, super heavy AF today, horrible cramps as well. Not surprised with no bleed at all for so long though, hope it's worth it and that it kicks everything back into action!

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