ahhhhhh :'(


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2005
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Well i went to the hospital wed morning cuz my doc said to go if the prune juice didnt make her go so off i went as she has only gone once in 13 days and that once was from a sapository.
Well they said tehy dont know why she aint pooing but just said taht she is constipated sending me home with another liquid which is suppost to make her go if it dont work by saturday then im suppost ot up her dosage and try again by Monday if she aint goenon her own im suppost to go out and buy supositories so i can give them to her myself.
If i get to that point im to call the pediatrician and ask him what to do from there. I have no idea whats going on but i dont wanna keep giving her supositories wihtout them figuring out why she wont go on her own??
I came home from the hospital and cried because i feel so stressed out.

I also feel real depressed and sad could this be because of all ive been dealing with the last few weeks or is it possible to get post natal depression after 10 weeks ???

To add to all this its 145 pm and since the afternoon she has only had half hour naps and will wake up for hours on end and just checked her temp a few hours ago and she has a fever gave her some med for taht and it is slowly going down.
Sigh i think im going bonkers. :cry:
Katrina xxx :cry: :cry: :?
Hi Katrina,

I am so sorry about the whole thing, Maheen has been suffering from colics and I know how you must feel about not being able to help your LO.

I am not going to speak about the hospital, because there is no need...we all have experienced their inefficiency at some point! :wall:

I think I have already mentionned it to you, but am not sure, so I will repeat it here. You should try fennel tea, it really works and is completely natural, so it can't hurt her! I have given some to Maheen when she was only 2 weeks old!

boil water, put 2 pinches of fennel seeds, plus 2 leaves of mint and one cardamon seed that you pierce in the middle. bring to boila agin, and eave it for 1 minute. leave 5 minutes and then, drain it and give it to your little girl... not just once, keep doing it for 2 or days.
You can keep the tea for 12 hours and then do it again.

It's really easy and effective. Even for adults :)

Sending you lots of hugs, I am not an expert, of course, but I don't think you suffer from PND, just sleep deprivation and worrying for your LO...anybody would feel like you if they were facing the same situation.

I know the fennel tea won't tell you why she is not pooing on her own, but at least it will make her feel better, till you see the paedetrician.

keep us updated,
mel xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Kai was pooing every day last week now he hasn't pooed since Monday :( In every nappy there is a little bit of poo where he has tried :(

He has been trying to go since Tuesday evening, you can just tell by his face. Saying all of this he has been in a really good mood since then which surprises me.

If he hasn't gone by tomorrow evening we will give him a suppository.

Katrina, the paedtrician said to us that it really isn't a problem too much. Some babies go every 10 days and it is fine!! The nurses actually make more of a big deal about it.

I remember when we went to the walk in kids clinic when Kai was around a week old because of this, I was crying because I thought it was my fault as it was probably the formula affecting him.

Hopefully both Kai and Kiara go soon.
aww i'm so sorry for your little one and i hope everything works out for you and your little one.
Maybe this is the wrong place to post it but I started to get a little worried, but Kai finally did a poo about an hour ago. And I was getting worried and thinking we might have to use a suppository today.

Katrina, if it makes you feel any better, I have seen 3 different doctors about this and none of them seemed concerned at all. Peeing is another matter though.
HI girls :D

Kiara pooed twice on her own yesterday :clap: the. stuff the doc gave me finally worked after four days.
Ive never been so happy to see poo in my life lol i have ot continue the liquid for three more days tehn stop and see how that works.

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