Aghhh he wont sleep


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2012
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I know no one can help really but my lo wont sleep. He usually sleeps 8 till 8 but he woke up at 9 and wont go back to sleep. Both me and my husband are ill im 7 months pregnant and im ready to scream. Im not sat watching baby tv in desperation he will nod off. Aghhhh

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hey hun!! (ove your name btw my oh calls me wifey, made me smile).

Can you think of any reasons why he wouldnt be? How old is he? If hes little could it be teething? did he have a temp?? has he burned enough energy during the day?? (just htinking if you and oh are il then maybe you have had a more raxed day)

How did he get on last night in the end?! xx
Hi and thanks. he is ten month, dont think he is teething he has 7 teeth already and wasnt like this with any of the others he didnt have a temp but seems like he has cought this cold i have. It was 2:30 when he finally fell asleep and then we were up 3 times in the night and up properly at 8. He is half asleep already now.
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could be teeth?! josh got his first 3 easi;ly (we didnt even know he was teething) but the next batch was a mare. But if you guys have had a cold he may have caught that like you said!? sorry you have had arough night sleep! j has pox atm and hes a nightmare sleeper ...i cant imagine what its like whilst heavliy pregnant and ill!!
I dont know i hope he is better tonight altho it was cute him laughing and jumping in his cot. He also said mummy and daddy, he has said them before but never that clear.

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