AF is confusing me.


Apr 24, 2005
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Hi All,

After our first attempt at TTC, AF was a week late so I decided to take a test and see what was going on. Well it was a BFP so was very pleased but only for a short while as later that day AF decided to show up.

She's here in full force so I presume I am back to square one.

Has anyone else had that?

Hi Sara,
If you did a test and it was BFP then you are most likely pregnant. Some women can still bleed when pregnant. You should probably do another test to make sure or go to the doctors for blood tests.
Good luck! Fingers crossed for you!
Jools xxx
False positives are very rare, so you are highly likely to be pregnant. Congratulations on such quick work!

Any fertility advice for those of us not so lucky to get a BFP on our first try?
Hmmm....I'm not convinced...I phoned a Dr and she said it is hard to be sure one way or the other. I could do another test and get a false positive if I previously was but had lost it. The hormones could still be in my system.
Anyway I am going to take another test in a few days. If it is BFN then I know I am back to square one, if is BFP I will go in and see the Dr and get a blood test done.

My technique.... Well, all I did was track my body for a few months before we started trying....ovulation predictor kits, CM, I did give up on temperature tracking as kept forgetting. My cycle is an average of 24 days, we BD on day 10 about a day b4 O.

Hi Sara,

A similar thing happened to me with my last but one cycle. My af was about two days late and I felt really tired and queasy. So I did a test and I got a faint pink circle. I spent the whole weekend thinking I was pregnant and getting used to the idea, then I got my af and was pretty upset.
Since then I've had another af so am pretty sure I'm not pg. But I'm convinced I was and that I had a very early m/c. Somebody told me that this is a good thing in a way as its your body "clearing itself out" and getting ready to be pregnant, so I wouldn't get too disheartened if it turns out you're not pg, at least you know you probably conceived. Pregnancy tests rarely show a false positive! Hope that helps abit.
Hi Sara,
did you have a normal period?
It was much heavier than normal and I woke up with really bad stomach cramps, much worse than I normally get. I'm convinced I was pg as I just "had that feeling". It was really gutting as here I am, a few months later still not pregnant! But its quite comforting to think that I might have conceived.
For me, that period was heavier and longer than normal and the next cycle was also a bit longer than normal i.e 28 days whereas I am normally 24-25 days.

Hoping to be back to my 24-25 days now. Currently on day 19 so AF due next week, unless I manged to strike it lucky this time around!
That sounds very upsetting!

It is definately possible that you did conceive but the fetus was non-viable - it takes 4-6 days for the fertilised egg to reach the uterus and then it starts to inbed into the lining of the uterus - by day 15 the cells of the to be fetus are at a stage where they either carry on and develop the beginings of a brain etc or stop developing and therefore the homone level drops and AF is triggered....

Only 30% of fertilised eggs continue to develop into a baby! It is only by testing that women know they conceived, most just get AF and never knew that they did conceive.

The reason AF would be heavier after this is that the raised hormone level while the embryo was trying to inplant causes the line of the uterus to thicken so there is more to shead during the AF afterwards.

Good luck next month

Keep chanting BFP, BFP, BFP

I'm with impatience on this one. Try not to dwell on it and hopefully your next period will right itself. Its' good to have an explantation though isn't it. This sort of happened to me. Three months ago I got my period early and it was heavier than normal - I wouldn't have thought this could be possible :wink: - and there was clotting immediately. It was also very painful and I had so many pregnancy symptoms. My next period only lasted two days and was mainly brown blood. I think my body was sorting itself out after a failed conception. Good luck and I hope your next period is normal. If not, don't worry.

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