AF has arrived


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2005
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Not a good day for me, looks like my AF has arrived. I have some brown discharge this morning. :(

Oh well, I'll let myself sulk for today only and then it's onwards and upwards for a July baby.
Hay Babus.... I'm sorry about AF showing up.... Go and get yourself a bottle of wine and the biggest bar of chocolate... Haggen Daz Cookies and Cream ice cream does it for me! Or a big Gun n Tonic.... Just think if you have a July baby you'll be off work till after Christmas!

Hi Bagpuss

I am sorry that you think af is on its way - I have had the brown discharge and I thought that af was coming until I tested this morning. I will keep my fingers crossed that af doesn't show for you.

Hayley - you're a girl after my own heart. I'm supposed to be on a detox but I've bought a little bottle of wine, I'll get two glasses out of it and a gu double choc pudding!

I'm going to be comforting myself with that tonight most definitely.

How long did you have your brown discharge for Lindsay? How many days off from your AF were you before testing?

I'm still getting the pains in my lower abdomen, I'm sure it tried to implant this month. It's a start I suppose.

I've got a terrible pain on my left side, I've been getting twinges for the last few days there. Don't think it can be anything to do with AF or fertility as it's under my rib cage. Really painful when I touch it though. My DH says I'm turning into a hypochondriac (can't spell it).
Hi Bagpuss, still keeping my fingers crossed for you, you never know!
Good Luck!
Sam xx
Thanks Sam, it's probably wishful thinking isn't it.

I will know tomorrow I suppose if the brown stuff turns to red evil blood! :x
bagpuss im sorry af may be on way will keep everything crossed for you hun good luck and big hugs xxxxxxx
Hiya Bagpuss

I first noticed brown stuff on Monday morning and I was really worried that it was af and she was going to turn up before my 21 day blood test. I had a little bit on the wednesday but only when I wiped after going to the toilet, nothing was going on my pants.

I have had really tender sore boobs since last weekend - like really sore walking is uncomfortable - taking my bra off is murder!!!! DH last night suggested that I sleep in my bra!!!

I am now only on day 22 of this cycle and I am normally 28-30 days. I have had a 21 day and a 24 day cycle before but generally they are 30 days, so it has detected it early. My mum thinks that I may be further on than I think but I won't know until the Dr confirms it for me. I don't know I will just feel so much more at ease when I have had it confirmed - I can't belive that it is happening.

Seeing the 2 lines this morning was like a dream come true, I started to cry - just couldn't believe it.

Good luck to everyone else ttc, sending you lots of baby dust!!

That's interesting, I'll bear it in mind for future ref, I'm sure mine is evil AF. I'll know for sure tomorrow.

Do you know what day you ovulated on this month?

I know what you mean about feeling more reassured when you have it confirmed, it kind of makes it more official, I'd probably be the same as you but which ever way you look at it - you've got a POSITIVE!!

I have it all planned out in my head how I'd like to tell my DH when I eventually get a BFP but I think when it actually happens I'll be so excited and relieved and happy, I'll just start crying and stick the test in his face to show him (won't remind him that I've pee'd on it :D ).

I'm really pleased for you. I hope everything is plain sailing for you now. Enjoy it as much as you can without worrying too much - easier said than done.
i know how you feel lindsay hun its difficult to believe its true when you find out that early i was only just over 3 weeks when i found out ended up doing 13 tests altogether lol my last one being only a couple of days ago :oops: dont think i will fully believe its true till i see the first scan by the way i used cheap tests off the internet had 25 for a tenner tested with them first and went out same day and bought first response cos i thought the tests be wrong cos they were cheap and first response gave me same result same day xxxxxxxxxxx
I've still got brown discharge today but it's much darker and turning redder. Does anybody else get this before their AF?

I've read that you shouldn't count this as the beginning of your cycle until you get your first red bleed - I want to start charting my temp this month but don't know whether to class this as the first day of my cycle or the end of my previous cycle - what do you guys do?
Hi there

Rach - I went out and bought a first response today too and it was BFP - it is beginning to sink in that I am PG now!! Do you have a scan date booked in? I got my BFP on day 22 so the same as you after 3 weeks, very early really considering my cycles have been around 30 days, still I am not complaining!

Bagpuss - I got my positive with the OPS on Friday 23rd September which was day 13 of cycle and my boobs began to feel sore on day 14 and have been ever since!!

Good luck, I hope that af stays away for you!!

hi lindsay i seen my midwife for first time last week and shes sent off for the scan booking which she said i should get a date by the time im 8 weeks and the scan should be for around 11-12 weeks pg and midwife coming when im 8 weeks to the house to fill out all the other stuff in the pregnancy notes all she done at first appointment was book scan and bloods with hospital and ask which hospital i wanted to have baby at and advise on what i can and cant eat and because i have 2 midwives who both work part time made sure i knew who to phone and when if i had any emergencies or questions xxxxxx
Hi Bagpuss, i never get the brown discharge. I always get the red straight away. How are things now? I started my AF today and it started bright red as usual. A brown discharge can be old blood or nothing at all and can be a sign of pregnancy. Let me know what happened.
Love jacqui.
Hi Jacqui,

My AF is in full flow (pardon the pun) now but I'm feeling optimistic again now after sulking for a day or two.

I'm going to pay more attention to the starts of my cycles and this discharge stuff. I read that if you get spotting every cycle it can indicate a problem with progesterone levels - I think it's too easy to get obsessive about things that aren't a problem though with all this reading I'm doing.

I've started charting my temp this month with my new fertility monitor, it makes me feel more positive that I'm doing something to help conceive. I've got my stack of ovulation tests ready to start using next week.

Sorry you got your AF too, I'm sure it will be our turn for a BFP soon! Fingers crossed for us.

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