AF after birth- was yours more painfull then normal


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2005
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i came on last night its my first period since giving birth.

its so bad im in such pain i feel like im in labour again about 5cm dilated. it feels like iv been booted in the fairy :cry:

some one told me the first AF after birth can be more painfull???

im not used to periods seems i had my 2 babies so close, iv had 3 periods in 24months

im bleeding soooo bad i just want to curl up on my sofa with my duvet in my nice pjs big pants and eat chocolate
well thats exactly what you should do!

boo! periods are rubbish!! im on now too x
I came on aswell the other day, 1st time since givin birth. It's not painful for me or anything, it's just like how they were before I got pregnant.

Rachel xx
ive had 2 now since jamie was born hun and the first one was really heavy and painful at times and lasted a long time but the 2nd one was back to normal xxxxxxxxxx
Mine were not anymore painful just really heavy compared with before.
iv never bleed like this... its boring... i had to get up and change every hr last night. grrrrrrrrrrrrr
Poor you Dionne :(
I had my first one last week & it was really light & I didn't get any period pains at all which is unlike me! Hoping they stay that way.
I hate periods, just finished my second one in 3 weeks :evil: Grrr get pregnant soon Dionne and you'll have even less heehee :lol: Prove that medium right :lol:
My first one post-baby was awful too. It was so painful and I got all tearful thinking that somehow I'd messed it up and was doomed to a life of worse periods than I'd ever had BUT after that one they have been 100% better than I have ever had in my life! Very little pmt and almost no pain- yippee! I used to have such bad period pain, so bad that I was 10 hours in labour until the pain levels were worse than what I was used to every month which is ridiculous (I should have gone to a Drs years ago but how do you know that your pain is unusual? I just thought all over the counter painkillers were rubbish!) So on the plus side once things settle down they might be easier than ever....

Iv had 2 and the second was worse than the first - sorry - they are bloody horrid I thought I was in labour again too !

Get me back on the pill I think ....

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