Af after baby.


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2013
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Hey lovely ladies,
So I had Af after Harrison and it was exactly as it was before I got pregnant which was a shock tbh I thought I'd be spotting on and off for a while after or before the next Af but nope. We aren't actively ttc either we just aren't using anything to prevent pregnancy. Any of you who caught fairly quickly after first Af? My son is 9 months xxx
I got my period back at 8.5 months after DS and got pregnant again when she was just under a year. I got my period back at 7 months with DS and got pregnant the next cycle. I was still breastfeeding both times but DS loved solid food and cut back quite quickly on milk feeds.
Had my daughter December 2014, AF returned April 27th and I had ovulated before that according to ov sticks. Had one 38 day cycle which I ov'd in and then the next cycle I got pregnant so basically June 25th I conceived. I used the kindara app to track my cycles with both my children so other than that I don't really have any tips! X
P.S I was express breast feeding so pumping all day but still got the periods back at 4 months. From that point my milk supply dropped though and once pregnant it totally dried up so by 8 months my daughter was on formula x
Wow okay fairly quickly for you both! My lo is 9 months now so if I get pregnant now I'm really happy with that haha my hubby actually went into the baby section in next and picked out a few things so he's clearly wanting to try again :) I know I ovd this cycle and we've Dtd a fair bit but will have to wait xxx

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