Advise on reduced movements.


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2012
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Haya looking for abit of reassure or others experience if possible.

For the past 3 days I have felt very few movements and when I do feel movement it is flutters like the first movements you feel than kicks. Normally movements are hard and painful and my belly is jumping about all over the place.

I went to PAU yesterday as my community midwife suggested doing a trace. Baby's heartbeat was absolutely perfect but I felt 1 flutter movement the whole time I was there and was given lots of cold water to try and get him to move.

Although this reassured me at the time because knowing his heart was beating made me feel better. But I'm still having the same movements and I'm doing the most stupid thing of googling and it's making me paranoid again. The midwifes were not happy with the fact I still didn't get good movements but because it made me feel better that his heartbeat was ok they left it at that because I have a scan Thursday.

Does anyone else have a similar situation to me or gone through this. I think it's probs best to mention when I go on Thursday for my scan that movements still haven't improved but I'm scared that there could be something wrong but is this even possible of the heartbeat is giving a good trace.

Thank you in advance for any response or advise xxx
You need to phone again and go in for another trace. The midwives shouldn't have let you go if the movements weren't there, sometimes it can take ages to get movements if baby is having a good sleep but you just need to wait it out until they wake up and move. Please don't wait until Thursday xx
Yep. Go in. Please and ask for some reassurance and ask what is going on. They track you for baby's movements and what you feel and heart rate. How long were you monitored for?
Seriously, go in as soon as you can. Without meaning to scare you, this is really important. Xxx
Please do go back in, be insistent , they should be scanning you now not waiting.. Trust me I know from experience that reduced movements or any change can be serious so please make them scan you to check baby's size and blood flow to placenta etc. Xx good luck xx
A normal heartbeat does not mean everything is as it should be, movements is a better indicator xx

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