

Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2011
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Ok, sorry if tmi, but just been to the loo and I had some yellowish discharge is this normal??? Thankyou x
Not too sure about yellow discharge but I've had lots of EWCM since being preggers x

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I get a lot of yellow discharge, have had since I found out I was preg! I think/hope it's normal lol x
Phew! As long as I'm not the only one! not like proper yellow, but it does have a tinge. I was getting really worried then! :(
Yeah that sounds the same as me, not proper yellow but not white. if it isnt normal I'd say it might be a little thrush but I've had it the whole way through so far with no other thrush symptoms x
I've only had it today and never had it before. Doubt its thrush because I have no other symptoms x
Totally normal, i noticed i lost a fair bit in tri 1 but has eased up in the past week x
Oh im so glad! I was really worried at one point and feeling very sorry for myself! Not having a good day lol :(
i know that all too well, try and relax once your past tri 1 it does get a little easier xxx
yeah totally normal to begin with, you get discharge all the way through sadly :-/ xxx
I believe it's normal, i too have a creamy discharge. I think if it had been thrush etc we would know about it. I usually suffer thrush alot so i know as soon as i have it.

Ohh :( Oh well I can put up with that if it means I have my little baby :) Thankyou all you lovely ladies for putting my worries at ease!! I'm so glad this forum is here!! x

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