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advice really needed


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2012
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Hey ladies , well i thought af was comin today ive had brown on wiping on tues , nothing yest , last night abit more today i had some light red blood almost pink not much comin out , no clots no nothing and now it seems to be stopping , my boobs are still quite sore , my csec scar still feels funny and ive still keep getting a fuzzy head like mini dizzy spells , should i do a test tomorrow or see my gp , i just dont know what to think help pleaseeee xx
Maybe test tomorrow and if negative go to the docs if af doesn't start in a few days. Good luck, I really hope you get you bfp x
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Thanks i just dont feel its a proper af sorry tmi but i usally have a lot of clots but nothing and im still really bloated, i will get a test tomorrow and if neg i will try and get in to see mu gp in the afternoon , do u think a tescos test would be ok to use xx
I'm not sure which tests are best. I know that the super drug ones are good as a few girls on here have had early bfps with them. Good luck x
Hi Jodie, what you are describing could be implantation of the fertilised egg into the uterus lining as this can cause spotting n some women and also a little cramping/discomfort. If it is implantation bleeding then you will need to wait another few days before a urine pregnancy test will give you an accurate result. When did you OV? xxx
Oh no what a complete head messer. Superdrug tests are some of the more sensitive ones but bluegirl used a tesco one and was about 10dpo. Hope you get some answers soon x
Hi holly i usually ov on cd 12 but i didnt opk this time as we were takin the relaxed approach so today im cd 28 last 3 cycles have been 26 days ..

Oh coz i dont know what to think but wen af usually arrives i have a couple of brown wipes the full flow comes almost straight away and that was more pink than anything , im more worried there is something wrong with me :-( xx
Thanks naomi my nearest superdrugs is miles away , i will try a tescos one and get some superdrugs ones wen im next there xx
If you're late any test will work so whatever's easiest and less stressful. I hope it's your bfp and not prolonged pre AF spotting. Good luck! Xx

Thanks im off to the dr's shortly been having some pinching pains on my left side , there not af cramps its totally diffent so thpught id be best gettin checked over xx
Hey ladies just back from the dr she was lovely i told her about ttc and about the light headedness ive been havin since last week explain in detail my cycles she is going on a 26 day cycle as thays what they have been for past few months , she had a feel of my tummy and i have to give a wee sample today so she can test it ive also brought some tescos cheapys to do myself , she said it could be ectopic and if the pain gets worse to go straight down and if its positive then she might swnd me for a scan to make sure everything is in the right place , so now im home sat pooing maself bcos im too scared to test i asked what the next step is if its negative and she just said lets test first , how long should i wait to pee im sat havin a cuppa now or should i just hold aslong as i can xx
If your late then you can test anytime and it should show, when did you last wee? Xx

About 20 mins ago but ive had a cup of tea i didnt know if that would dilute it too much i think if i can im going to wait till 1 and pee into the pot but dip my test in aswell i carnt sit and wait for her to phone me later ive never been so blooming worked up in my life i dont think its helped by the fact she thinks it is early pregnancy now im worried bcos of the slight bleeding ive had arghhhwhy is it so hard xx
I'm glad you didn't have a doctor who tried to fob you off and is going to help you get sorted. I don't know how long you should it in because you're actually late and not testing early. Maybe wait at least a good hour. x
Oh honey try not to stress, have your cuppa and some lunch and do it afterwards. Stressing too much might be delaying AF if it is brewing xx

Thanks girls i dont know what id do without this forum i will let u know how i get on later xx
Tescos cheapy was negative so ofd to drop sample in to gp and see what she wants to do next xx
Aw how annoying for you hon! Stick a film in or watch a programme and once it ends do your test, it'll pass the time. Fx for you x x

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