advice please?


New Member
Jan 20, 2009
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hey all, i`m new to the forum so not sure if this is the right place to post this...

i came off my pill mid december and had my period which started around the 15th december, i`m not sure exactly how long my monthly cycle is as the birth control pills have regulated it. it`s now january 20th and i still haven`t had my period although yesterday i noticed some brownish/pink spotting when i wiped and today there's a lot more of it but it's more like a light brown discharge (sorry i know it`s a bit graphic) i have also been getting cramps. i done 2 pregnancy tests and both were negative but still no period, i`m just wondering could is this my period coming or could i be pregnant?

thanks in advance to anyone who can help with this
hi hun!! :wave:
all i know is that the pill has really messed me about!! i came off it in june and still having major troubles now!! i think you'll just have to try to give your body time to get back to normal. i went over 3 months before i got my first proper period off of the pill- having said that many people have also got pregnant straight away. although you have had 2 bfn (negatives) it may be that it is too early to test. try again in a week. good luck :pray:
thanks for the reply, my first pregnancy i was actually on the pill and my last one i hadn`t been off it for long either but i really don`t feel pregnant right now so i`m not sure, they say every pregnancy is different. possibly it could just be the pill messing me around, although i may have done the tests too early my head`s just spinning not knowing
:hug: some people do get a light bleed in early pregnancy- implantation bleed- believe its ususally pink or brown but not red just when you wipe. think this is about 1 week after conception so therefore too early to test. hope thats what it is for you but also could just be the pill messing with ur cycles. as i said wait a week and test again- so hard to be patient i know!!! fingers crossed
:hug: thanks for your advice, it was friday i done my last test so i might try another one at the end of this week and just see if there`s any changes assuming i don`t get my period first, i have looked up implantation bleeding and it kinda does sound like what i have but then i`d rather not get too hopeful as it could just be caused by the pill as you said x
thats the killer- getting ur hopes up only to be disappointed! try to find things to take ur mind off it as much as poss! :hug:
hmm you did two pregnancy tests and still you dint get the periods?
May be some other problem. Check with your family doctor.
Did you have same problem like this any time before?

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