Hi Girls just need some advice! i was due on my period 6 days ago, i have never ever been late i alsways come on cd 26-cd28 , i still not come on and there is no sign off my af?? i had 5 little specles of blood about 2 day s ago but nothing since i have tested with early tests and all BFN so i cant be pregnant.?? I keep getting stitch like pains and my (.)(.) are really stinging! Im worried now as i have never missed a period ever!!! Always been regular , i been pregnant 3 times in total in past and i feel like i am but all tests are neg so i cant be!! I not sure what to do!! although i did ovulate late because i did ovulation predicor tests that tell you that you will ovulate innext 48 hours and that was on cd about 20 i think any ideas?? any girls keep getting negs and been pregnat so far after AF due?? xx