Advice please xx


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2007
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Hi Girls just need some advice! i was due on my period 6 days ago, i have never ever been late i alsways come on cd 26-cd28 , i still not come on and there is no sign off my af?? i had 5 little specles of blood about 2 day s ago but nothing since i have tested with early tests and all BFN so i cant be pregnant.?? I keep getting stitch like pains and my (.)(.) are really stinging! Im worried now as i have never missed a period ever!!! Always been regular , i been pregnant 3 times in total in past and i feel like i am but all tests are neg so i cant be!! I not sure what to do!! although i did ovulate late because i did ovulation predicor tests that tell you that you will ovulate innext 48 hours and that was on cd about 20 i think any ideas?? any girls keep getting negs and been pregnat so far after AF due?? xx

If you ovulated late then your AF probably won't be due until around now anyway. If you knew what your Luteul phase was normally (the time between ovulation and your AF starting) then you could work it out roughly when your AF was due. If you don't know then usually it's between 10 - 16 days after ovulation that your AF arrives or that a BFP may be detected. Some people get a BFP early, whilst others don't.

Sounds like it could still be a couple of days before your AF arrives or that you get your BFP if you got a + on your opk on CD 20 then you may have ov'd on day 21-22, which means that working on a 14 day LP your AF won't be due until CD 35 -36.

I know it's hard but perhaps try and leave it another couple of days before testing again.

Good luck x

I didn't get a BFP until CD 43 and that was very light +. I think my ticker is probably wrong but I won't know until a week friday after my scan.

I reckon I must have ovulated very late and therefore didn't concieve until much later than CD14. Also I tested on CD 41 and got a BFN. And my cycle was usually 27-29 days.

A x

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