Advice please - what next? UPDATE 2 - BACK HOME with BABY!!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2007
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Update 2 - Hellooooo - sorry we could not update earlier but it all happened so soon and since the LO has arrived we have been in a daze and also in hospital....

I will write our birth story soon but just a quick chunk of it:
Got to hospital at 2.30 am on Wednesday morning (late tuesday night after posting the 1st update). I really though I would be sent home but the contractions - or what I thought were contractions were very bearable but only 5 minutes apart. I thought these cant be contractions because I was not feeling what I expected- excruciating pain etc did not exist...they lasted a minute each time. Got to the labour ward and was checked, they said I was 3 cm dilated and was staying. At 9.19 am on Wednesday Morning our little man Aaron was born weight 7lb 5 ounces. He is absolutely gorgeous. I will post piccies soon but we stayed in hospital Wednesday to learn about breastfeeding etc - came home today at 1pm and after all the visitors am finally able to stare at him all over again...

Thanks ladies for your wishes...I am so excited at being a new mum and I can say the bith was pain free due to epidural at the end...but it was all very fast throughout and so worth it...

Update 1 - at 1am my waters broke, luckily we were awake in bed and chatting with a towel under me...managed to walk to the toilet and gushhh.....have had another shower etc and hospital said to come in to check on the contractions - they might have to send us home if contractions too far apart but since I have been counting they seem to be only 5 minutes apart but I might be wrong?

will update from hospital puter.... oooh scared scared.

I have just been for a pee and (TMI alert) when I wiped it was blood. I am now going to start preparing and I know this could be the bloody show but what do I expect next? Time wise or even to do with sequence of events? Should I be preparing for labour in the next few hours, days or is that not predictable? Should I be calling the MW or should I be waiting till waters go? I am going to stand in the shower now, I have little period type pains. Last night it was bad back pain and period pains.

I am so excited, scared and getting ready..but just wanted some knowledge as to what is going to happen now...

i started with contraction 2 hours after my show
ooooo c'mmon contractions..woopiee doopie doo...

I cant believe I am wishing pain on myself - :rotfl:
i can't believe i'm jealous of your potential pain! good lunk hun, hope this is it & you get to meet yr baby :D
That sounds VERY positive.

Go shower, make sure you eat a good meal and be on stand by deffo sounds like a show to me!!!

:hug: :hug: :cheer:
How exciting! :cheer:

If I were you I'd make sure to eat something and get yourself ready, then take it easy for as long as you can. Good luck and keep us updated!
Ooh, I hope it is your show. I've no advice regarding the timings of everything, but eat, sleep and check your bag! :D
Thanks ladies...tried to ring day unit as thats what the notes say I should do for the first signs but the number is constantly engaged. Lets hope the labour ward is not fulllL!!!!

Had a shower, everything else has stopped but yes that definately was a B Show. Bags checked, cameras packed, in my cumfy clothes, everything else ready....

So if nothing happens in next few hours thats when I will start the routine of going for walks, maybe Tesco? exciting....well..what else will be open at that time huh...

I will update with anything next...

:cheer: :cheer:
I had a like sort of snotty jelly show (lovely) after my sweep and then a more bloody one 2 days later..i was having contractions for a few days and then they finally amounted to something and he came quite quick. they say a show can happen anything from days to hours before labour starts but its a very good sign things will happen soon!!! so as the others have said have something to eat and a good sleep to prepare your body :) woo good luck hope things get moving for you!
oooh sounds promising!!!! ood luck hun, hope this is it for you!! :hug:

ooooh how strange after replying to my post earlier about discharge!! must mean things are getting ready then! How exciting for you, hope this is it! Good luck xx
I know Sheena - can you imagine if you are next? So the thick jelly like mucous comes 2-3 days before BShow.

Jollypops- I dont have a text buddy but thats only because my DH is very no no about using mobiles in hospitals..but he will be sending updates if he gets time..I have got it in my head I am going to nip in and then nip straight out with a short labour - if I think this way who knows - god might listen! :lol:
fran - it could be that I am in the hour stage now..

thanks helbels and everyone..been reading "announce your arrival" to see what everyone usually goes through and it looks positive.

So far no other changes - walking is very uncomfortable..pain on right pelvic bone a little more prominent...
I dont have a text buddy but thats only because my DH is very no no about using mobiles in hospitals

Paul was texting everyone while i was in labour and after! :roll:
I wanted him to text for me and even said I'll do it in between my contractions - his theory is different..if it interferes with any 1 machine then he is not for it...I am going along with it on the condition that he will be active with getting message across to who and when I WANT him to :)

He has some weird and some normal concepts...this one is one of those .."Okay I agree a little with you" concept..
Neev said:
I know Sheena - can you imagine if you are next? So the thick jelly like mucous comes 2-3 days before BShow.

Oh i hope so, that would be really freaky! Its def made me feel more positive bout something happening though! im really pleased for you cos even if it dosnt happen tonite at least you def know things are on their way :D just a matter of time, so exciting!

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