Advice on Implantation bleeding please


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016
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Morning all, and huge congrats on your pregnancies... I've not been on this forum for a while as found it easier not to think about ttc for a bit... So lovely to see some familiar faces in here over from TTC :wave:

I'm not sure if this is the right place to post, but I figure since you ladies have been through this most recently you would be best placed to help. I wondered if any of you had implantation bleed, and if so did anyone's last more than 3/4 days? I have had very light spotting (only when I wipe) on and off for 5 days now, started 6dpo, af not due for another 6 days,,, and is always regular for me, 28/9 day cycle. I have read that IB should only last up to 2 days, so feeling confused, and too scared to be hopeful. Any stories from ladies who had a similar experience and have pg that are progressing would make my day!! XX
Hi Demerera, I didn't want to read and run but I'm afraid I didn't have a jot of implantation bleeding with either of my pregnancies so I really can't advise from personal experience.. I completely understand you not wanting to get your hopes up but the timings for implantation are bang on aren't they! Also, if spotting in between periods is unusual for you then I suppose any sign that's different from other months is a positive sign? I really hope you get your bfp, have you been feeling any other symptoms? xxx
I had implantation with this and my miscarriage pregnancy. Always thought it was period coming but was earlier (I usually spot) and I think it was about 3 days or so. Fingers crossed for you x

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