Advice from Previous Experiences or knowledge?...


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2012
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Hi Everybody, im just looking for a bit of advice, if anybody is able to help of course.

On 27th March 12, i was feeling really bloaty so said to my partner i wanted to buy a pregnancy test.(Part of me wanting to get one was because i had being using oristat, a slimming tablet as i was struggling to lose weight that i had gained since i had my son in july 2010.) so.. got home done the test (clear blue) and boom- Pregnant... abit shocked as we hadnt been trying, but all round happy to be able to do all the things i missed doing now my little man has become independent. To confirm the test wasnt tricking, i bought a clear blue digital and a cheap tesco one, both twin pack so i could check again a few days . The clear blue digital came back pregnant 3+ and the other had both lines appear almost straight away. so over the next few days i toodled on called the dr to get it confirmed, he just said if the tests are positive then your pregnant... called maternity hospital to get booked in and following week had my appointment. she took blood and urine and filled out my book. now i assumed i had conceived in jan ( normally keep a record of my periods but had alot of problems at home so it crossed my mind) but was booked in for 13 week ultrasound on 13th april.. so went in and the sonographer started asking me questions about last period tests blah blah.. and i panicked and said can you see anything on the screen so she said she had to do an internal scan.. she did that and then dropped the bombshell.. i was either earlier then 13 weeks in the pregnancy, or the pregnancy had stopped altogether. she said she could see the sac and a fetal pole but no heartbeat, and referred me to the early pregnancy unit.. so i toodle over there with my other half, im scared at this point.. and the nurse says by the measurements it looks like an early pregnancy so we will re-book you for a scan in a weeks time. Well the scan was yesterday, went in and she asked if i had bleeding or anything, i told her the last 2 days i had a slight smearing of pinky blood ( sorry for too much info) and she carried on.. she said my bladder was empty so would need to do an internal.. she did that and said she couldnt detect a heartbeat, but said it had grown a bit( im not sure by how much i was in a haze, with my partner holding m hand as she went on about options) he then said back to her that the nurse said a heartbeat still may not be detected at this stage, so the woman scanning me said we will bring you back in a weeks time ( great more waiting in limbo for the unknown). then yesterday afternoon, i went a wee and when i wiped, sorry if too much info- but a stringy thing, the only way i can say was it looked like semen or something fling off the tissue and touch my hand, as it hit i felt it was cold and was very thin and had a little bit of blood which i think is just from when it passed with the discharge i have been having,but it boggled me what it was.. i been wearing a sanitary towel in case heavy bleeding because i am now thinking and expecting the worse. Lat night i went a wee and the bleeding was more then when i started the couple days before and had lower back pain, but it was red not the pink, but still watery like the end of a period. today it has started going browny in colour.

Im sorry for the too much info but im worried and concerned.. also because the scan people having told me the size or the dates of the fetus...

what do i do? do i go hospital and demand some answers, get them to take urine and blood to see if its increasing, or do i just let nature take its course and continue crying?

Its Just so worrying and confusing because the pregnancy i had with my son was textbook, dates and everything were spot on.

I appreciate anybody who can shed some light on this for me, whether its good or bad news... its something i will have to face either way.

Thank you ladies xxxx
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I'm sorry your so worried and it is completely understandable, I miscarried in Nov the first I've ever suffered , i was 8 1/2 weeks I had no other syptoms other than lower back pain for two days then what I can only descript as mild labour pains in my stomach for a couple of hours then thick bright red blood like a really heavy period for 8 days .I can't say if it's the same for everyone as it was the only time it's happened to me , but it was very upsetting and took some adjusting to what had happened.
I do hope you don't suffer a mc , I hope I've been of some help , Good luck fingers crossed xx
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thanks for responding hun. it is so worrying.. i havent had belly cramps as such, occational twinge which i get sometimes anyway.. im just so scared to go for a wee, just want some answers as the dragging out for another scan in a weeks time is the worst xx
I've suffered a MC too and it was a week of thick, heavy, red blood with clots. Accompanied by vomiting and excruciating pain. It was unlike anything I had ever experienced and deeply upsetting.

If u keep getting pains, maybe in a couple of days pop in to A&E and u might get scanned earlier. But as the sonographer said, it may be best just to wait the week and get re-scanned when they have booked u in. It'd be a huge waste if u went to A&E to be told the same thing you've already been told.

I know it seems like an age away, but its really not. Take each day at a time and rest as much as possible.
Really hope everything turns out ok for u xx

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thanks hun, means alot for people to get back to me with their experiences xxx
Hi jillybear, so sorry to hear you are going through this. I miscarried in January at 7 weeks and it was at 2pm at night, I woke up with excruciating abdominal pains, (and I always had painful periods) but this was like nothing I've ever experienced. It lasted unbearably for about an hour, my hubby almost took me to hospital because I was really groaning with the pain - (I have broken and dislocated almost every type of bone and joint in my body - I event horses - so I'm used to pain in a big way!!) and then I had very heavy bleeding for about 12 hours and it tailed off after 4 days.
Miscarrying is painful in many ways (I am not a believer in God/divinity due to things which have happened to wonderful people in my life) but I truly believe that it's nature's way of protecting us when this happens from an abnormal baby and protection for you and your family from a life of care to give a child which needs so much nursing due to whatever was wrong with it. So hang in there, channel your energies into your son (who looks so cute btw!) and celebrate having one child already. You know you can carry a successful pregnancy through because you've already done it, and it will happen again so don't give up. A friend of mine had 8 miscarriages every time at 14 weeks, and they still can't tell her why this is happening, it's just brutal, but she's not giving up yet. Take strength from all of us out there to help you, we're in this together! lots of love x
Thank you so much for replying to my thread Topaz, it means so much. i had a good cry last night, and a small tear session this afternoon but all round, like you said i have put all my strength and energy into my boy, he needs me aswell. its just such a tough time for me, for any woman that goes through it... i feel for all those who have and who may experience it and thats why i think these forums are so good, because they connect everybody with similar experiences. I love you put about the reasons for miscarriage, it does make you feel abit more at ease that rather then suffer a full term pregnancy with a poorly child, it stops before it starts. i even had a tear reading your reply, a happy cry though xxxx
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