Absolute agony!


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2015
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Hi ladies
I am 8+1 weeks pregnant and for the last few days I have been having awful pains again...last night I had a period type pain but where as period pains come and go this pain was just constant! I took some paracetamol and went to bed but it took a few hours until it stopped. It sounds awful but I was just thinking this is it another miscarriage and I expected to start bleeding it was that bad! This evening about 5pm it started again only this time is was an all over pain not just low down..it felt like it started low and then just spread upwards and took my breath away again no bleeding though. I don't remember having pains like this in my first pregnancy but that was 7 years ago! Just wondering if anyone else has had anything similar? I know we are suppose to have some cramps whist we expand but should it be this bad? I am so bloated as well I look about 5 months pregnant not a few weeks!! Xx
I'm 8+1 as well, I've had some pains and twinges but doesn't sound like they are as painful as yours. Do you have an appointment booked with midwives or doctors yet? If not give them a phone tomorrow hopefully they can help.
Hi Cam
Yes I saw my midwife for the first time on Friday last week but I hadn't had any pains for a few days so I forgot to mention it! I might ring my GP in the morning and see what they say. It could be something daft like indigestion! Xx
Did you not say before that you suffer from IBS?
Yes could be that I had terrible pains with certain foods in my last pregnancy x
Yes I do suffer with IBS but the pains are normally like period pains but go once I have been to the toilet and passed whatever was irritating me. These pains yesterday were all over and hurt to even press my stomach below the ribs and no matter how many times I went to the loo they didn't go. I don't suffer with indigestion so I'm not sure what that feels like. In my last pregnancy I just had heartburn at night but that was later on in the pregnancy. I need to watch what I eat because when I saw the midwife on Friday and she did my height and weight she worked out that my BMI is 29 and she said it it was 30 I would be classed as obeist and have the risk of getting diabetes etc but I said it difficult especially when I feel sick and im just eating what I feel like at the moment but normally I do try and watch what I eat because of the IBS. I know I am overweight but I am 5ft 9 so I don't actually look it even the midwife said that I carry it well!! Xx
Im8 weeks tomorrow and also been having period type pains could just be things stretching out again as baby and uterus grows?
Hope it eases up for you Amy. Iv had cramps and twinges but fortunately not like you have described. I'd phone epu if ur concerned xx
Any really bad pains that Ive suffered (consistently) are usually attributed to constipation or trapped wind :shock: It doesnt feel like wind or that, like it normally does. I used to have IBS and it doesnt feel like that - it feels sometimes like a big pressure, or sometimes crampy.

Or the other one being indegestion.

I imagine itll be one of these or something like your uterus growing. Still mention to MW if nothing changes - perhaps try some fybrogel or something in the first instance and if that doesnt help atleast you know its not wind or consipation.

Your bowels start to slow down to take all the nutrients for baby.

Ive got some pains too in my stomach area but I think its indigestion as I had heartburn yesterday and it feels more like a burning acidic feeling. However, I have been getting some lower left hand pain (feels like a stone in my ovary) I have had this checked a week ago via scan and all seems fine so they've put it down to stretching/ligament pain x
i had awful pains in my first pregnancy (baby was fine), i was very scared and on the phone to nhs.. i waited for the bleeding too but ended up being ibs! Its common for the bowels to relax in pregnancy and why so many ladies get the pregnancy bloat around 6 to 9 weeks, looking 5 months pregnant. Could that be the reason? Hope youre ok x

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