A little nervous, implantation bleed? ITS ALL OVER!

x Naomi x

Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2007
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Well since i got all excited yesterday, i still have this browny discharge when i wipe,- like when your period starts but a minature version if you know what i mean

Then last night it was a bright red streak when i wiped :shock:

So that set my heart pounding thinking oh no this is period on its way but then nothing more the same

It is back to pinky brown but not reaching my pants - have been wearing white to check sorry if TMI!

Has anyone else had this around the time of AF and then carried on with a happy pregnancy??

Its just i keep thinking of a chemical pregnancy

I am not going out to by anymore POAS today, i ordered some more ebay cheapies and am waiting for them to come
Ive had abit of brown discharge when I wipe, I had it around 4 and half weeks, then 5 and half weeks, then 6 and half weeks. The midwife said try not to worry unles it becomes bright red, really heavy or very painful. I think it's always best to inform your midwife. Try to relax and take it easy and try not to worry too much. :hug:
I had pink discharge about the time Af should have strated, It looked like a watery period and lasted about 1/2 a day then back to nothing.

According to my book (which i have memorised) it's normal to get that.

At bang on 4 weeks (the day AF was due) I got browny discharge for about 2 days. I put my Mooncup in thinking it was AF (as didn't suspect I was pregnant then) and was shocked by how little there was in it.

What you're having sounds very like an implantation bleed too.

Hope all is well :pray:
went up town shoppng today with my friend and had more brown discharge so did a first response test and got a BFN

I was getting a faint cross on clearblue test yesterday so i dont think it has stuck,

Gonna take myself off here for a while as i dont think i can cope with it at the moment

:wall: :wall: :wall:

:wave: :wave:
Sorry hun - I was really hoping this would be your month :cry:

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